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My thoughts on LGBT and why I oppose it
The LGBTQ movement began emerging in the latter half of the 20th century, bolstered by financial backing from several prominent billionaire-funded organizations, including the Arcus Foundation and Open Society Foundations, among others. These organizations played a pivotal role in amplifying the movement's visibility across media, academia, and (meta)political spheres. Initially, the movement sought societal acceptance of homosexual behavior, often employing a red herring fallacy by framing the discourse around the emotionally charged concept of “love” to divert attention from the underlying discussions on sexual behavior and matrimony. This strategic emphasis on “love” obscures the distinctions between romantic love and the sexual, matrimonial, and familial practices being advocated, which remain distinct from the broader, traditionally understood concept of love.

The LGBTQ movement has expanded its goals beyond the initial quest for societal acceptance of homosexual behavior, advocating for a broader set of rights, including same-sex "marriage", adoption by same-sex "couples", and the inclusion of transgender individuals within its platform. It is important to note that the definitions of terms such as "marriage" and "couple" have been altered to align with the demands of this ideology. The movement has also sought to increase public visibility through media, advertisements, and educational settings, leading to the integration of LGBTQ-related content in films, commercials, and schools. This shift has culminated in the widespread promotion of LGBTQ pride, evolving from mere acceptance to what can be interpreted as the glorification of homosexuality. Additionally, there is growing emphasis on encouraging children and adolescents to question their sexuality and gender identity, promoting the idea that they should "discover who they are" through "personal introspection". This viewpoint often assumes that sexual orientation, behavior, and gender identity are biologically innate rather than learned behaviors shaped by social or environmental factors. However, this assumption remains contested and lacks scientific evidence to support the claim that these traits are purely biologically determined. Each of these issues warrants careful and detailed examination.

LGBTQ Pride: The concept of LGBTQ pride raises a fundamental question: why is simply belonging to this group considered something to be proud of? Typically, pride is associated with merit or achievement. However, in this context, what is the basis for pride in an identity that requires neither effort nor accomplishment? Furthermore, why should engaging in deviant primal hedonistic activities that serve no other purpose than a dopamine rush be considered a point of pride? Should we also take pride in other natural, biologically driven activities such as eating or sleeping? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure and reward. In nature, sex serves a purpose: procreation. Without achieving this end, the dopamine rush becomes an unearned reward. Essentially, taking pleasure in such activities without fulfilling their biological purpose leads to self-deception, as it diminishes the drive to achieve more meaningful goals. If being part of the LGBTQ community is framed as a source of pride, should it then follow that everyone is encouraged to strive toward membership in this group?

Marriage and adoption: Again, this raises the question, what is marriage? Historically, marriage was the social recognized union between a man and a woman, that would grant them permission to have children and start a family. However, it can now be the union between a man and a man, or the union between a woman and a woman, both incapable of reproducing on their own. The argument of those that advocate for homosexual marriage is usually that two people of the same sex “loving” each other is no different than two people of the opposite sex “loving” each other, and/or that two people of the same sex are just as capable of raising a child as two people of the opposite sex. However, this extension of the concept of marriage creates a logical loophole. Why can polygamic marriages not be allowed, for instance? And how many homosexual marriages actually result in the upbringing of children? What significance does a sterile marriage have to the community in order to be worthy of social recognition? Why should society concern itself with the two people's private affairs that bring no value to their community? Furthermore, it is estimated that, in the US, somewhere between one and two million couples are waiting to adopt[1]. This data suggests that, even if homosexual couples want to adopt, they may not be able to do so. The effects of being raised with homosexual parents as opposed to heterosexual parents are also still a mystery, but studies suggest that there are a number of problems resulting from it[2].

Transgenderism: Although generally placed under the same umbrella as LGB, transgenderism is not about sexual orientation, but rather about gender identity. It is worth noting that the term “gender” was introduced shortly after WW2[3], as a means to distinguish between the biological sex and “gender role”. The number of adolescents seeking treatment at gender identity services in Western countries has been increasing, and for around 80% of children who experience gender dysphoria, the condition recedes or disappears with puberty[4]. Medical treatments include hormone replacement therapy, sex reassignment surgery, and psychotherapy[5]. 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth[6]. As such, this condition is not desirable for anyone.

"Born this way": Genetics can explain between 8% and 25% of non-heterosexual behavior, the rest is explained by environmental influences, which could range from hormone exposure in the womb to social influences later in life[7]. Twin studies suggest that there are likely genetic causes of transsexuality, although the precise genes involved are not fully understood. One study published in the International Journal of Transgender Health found that 20% of identical twin pairs in which at least one twin was trans were both trans, compared to only 2.6% of non-identical twins who were raised in the same family at the same time[5]. No study exists that confirms that homosexuality or transsexuality are innate biological conditions and are not environmental influenced.

"Love is love": What is love? As per the Oxford English Dictionary, love is defined as: "a very strong feeling of liking and caring for somebody/something, especially a member of your family or a friend". However, this concept has been somehow linked to the LGBTQ movement, given an ambiguous definition that has become subjective, in order to justify tendencies, behaviors, and laws that are completely unrelated to this concept. Love is unrelated to sexual orientation, sexual behavior, marriage, adoption, and transsexuality.

"Be who you are", "Follow your heart": What the mantra means in common usage can be summed up this way: "I am perfect just as I am and everyone should accept me because I am myself". A cheating husband is listening to his heart. An obnoxious, gossiping bully is being himself. We were born wired to have certain temperaments, thoughts, beliefs, attractions, innate revilements, etc. Nobody is disputing this. However, the purpose or intent in question regarding this mantra is to undermine any willingness to depart from a certain path that is exhibited toward the viewer. The lifestyle depicted is something that they are not willing to alter or change because it has become a staple part of their personality, so highly above all else. A man who accepts himself will never improve because improvement requires us to look at ourselves critically. It requires us not to love our flaws — as the motivational marketing campaigns instruct us to do — but to wage an all-out war against them. The first step in improvement is learning to truly detest the detestable things about yourself. To become a better self we cannot be satisfied with ourselves. The Earth is filled with people who have followed their hearts over a cliff. Shattered lives, broken homes, ruined marriages — these are the fruits of following your heart. Anyone who suggests that "your heart" will always lead you in the right direction obviously has never noticed the entire history of humanity. Humans are corrupt, weak, and selfish.

Imposed identity: Another problem with the LGBTQ movement is that, ironically, it harms homosexual and transsexual people themselves. By placing these individuals inside an ideological box, they are denied a right to their own individuality, ideas, and beliefs. There are homosexual people who disagree with same-sex marriage. There are homosexual people who disagree with gender ideology. There are transsexuals who disagree with pride. However, by placing these individuals in a box, they are almost compelled to accept the fads of the bandwagon. If a person is homosexual, society will immediately label that person as LGBTQ+, no matter if that person supports the movement or not.

LGBTQ propaganda: As per US statistics, 0.8% of traditionalists (those born before 1946) identify as LGBTQ, 2.6% of baby boomers identify as LGBTQ, and 4.6% of Generation X adults identify as LGBTQ. Furthermore, this number has held relatively steady for these groups, despite of the increasing tolerance. However, 20.8% of generation Z adults identify as LGBTQ, and this number doubled from 2017 to 2021[8]. One could be led to believe that this is due to a substantial increase in tolerance to the “innate nature” of these individuals, despite the lack of scientific evidence supporting a sole biological cause and the startling high percentage of young adults identifying as LGBTQ. However, children as young as 3 are now being exposed to LGBTQ content, with Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) events happening internationally at libraries, schools, bookstores, and museums[9]. Clearly, it is being hastily assumed (or intentionally ignored) that environment and education play no role in the development of a child’s sexual orientation, behavior, and gender identity, when this is far from being a well established fact, and could (and likely is) be causing irreparable damage to the new generations.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Promiscuity: One of the significant health risks associated with promiscuity, particularly within certain high-risk populations such as men who have sex with men (MSM), is the increased prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is the most common STI, affecting approximately 79 million Americans[10]. It is linked to both genital warts and several types of cancers, including cervical, anal, and oropharyngeal cancers. Up to 80% of HPV infections are asymptomatic, meaning many individuals unknowingly carry and spread the virus[11]. While the HPV vaccine is effective in preventing many strains of the virus, particularly those most commonly associated with cancers, it does not provide protection against all HPV strains[12]. Similarly, HSV-2 (Herpes Simplex Virus type 2), which causes genital herpes, affects around 12% of Americans aged 14-49[13], with over 80% of those infected unaware they have the virus[14]. These individuals can still transmit the virus, even when asymptomatic, making both HPV and HSV-2 particularly concerning for public health.

STDs such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, if left untreated, can cause severe complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women, which can result in permanent damage to the reproductive system, including infertility[15][16]. In men, untreated chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause epididymitis, a painful condition of the testicles that may also lead to infertility[16][17]. Condoms and other contraceptives do not offer complete protection against these STDs, as both HPV and HSV-2 are spread via skin-to-skin contact in areas not covered by protection[18][19]. Moreover, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) disproportionately affects MSM, with this group accounting for approximately 69% of new HIV infections in the U.S.[20]. A wide range of STDs can be asymptomatic, including Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV, Herpes, Trichomoniasis, HPV, and Hepatitis B[21]. Promiscuity, characterized by frequent sexual partner exchange, increases the risk of contracting and spreading these infections, leading to long-term health consequences that are difficult or impossible to treat. These realities highlight the need to promote sexual responsibility, rather than encouraging behaviors that contribute to the spread of incurable and potentially life-altering STDs.


A few curiosities:

Homosexuality in Ancient Greece:

Pride flag symbolism:
[Image: random.php?pic=random]
The meaning of life is to give life a meaning.
Stop existing. Start living.
Thanks given by: Mesujin , LutiChris , Memento

Messages In This Thread
My thoughts on LGBT and why I oppose it - by MangaD - 08-09-2022, 07:42 AM
Love is Love - by Jahvansi - 08-12-2022, 10:37 AM
RE: Love is Love - by MangaD - 08-13-2022, 01:40 PM
RE: Love is Love - by Jahvansi - 08-13-2022, 04:26 PM

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