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[solved] ball that follows you but acts independently
Well at the "standing"frames of that chaos flying animal thingy you need the itr/kind: 3 for that catching move... just like this(I already set the coordinates right, just like you discripted it^^)
      kind: 3  x: 100  y: 16  w: 10  h: 65  
catchingact: X X  caughtact: 1 1
you have to replace the catchingact X with a normal framenumber ofc^^

On frame X you'll need a cpoint like this...
      kind: 1  x: 105 y: 38
      vaction: 1  throwvz: -842150451  hurtable: 1 throwinjury: -842150451 decrease: 10
do NOT use state 9, this will move the cought-char probatly on the y-axis, better to use state: 15 since that disables that function...
this frame needs a wait: 0 and then a next to that tailmove you want(on the tailmove you don't need any cpoints, just code it normal like every other move)

The disadvantages on this methode are... if a char is doing a move and got cought then he immetadely returns to his standing frames
The cought char could move on the x-axis a bit while beeing cought, dunno how to slove that right

~hope this helped~
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Messages In This Thread
RE: ball that follows you but acts independently - by TheNave - 11-12-2008, 07:49 PM

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