Hypermodder Wrote:why do you called it "highway to HELL"???
it does not look evil. I would call it "highway of evening light" or sth like that.
well i call it that when a sunset really makes the whole sky turn red (not just the horizon - including the highway/road ...)
oh and if you have a look at what caused the sky to actually look like this its a rather evil thing - or not? (i didnt enhance the color - this is the original photos color)
i dont know - maybe you are right - the name might be a bit to hard for this soft setting - compared to all the other apocalyptic backgrounds out there
still looks like a highway to hell to me :d
edit: and its AC/DC not ad/dc
and dont insult LoR - its my fav D:
favorite dcing techniques: wpoint | double key inputs | holding back | alternate basic moves