"next" is looking good and i already used hit_Fa: 14
anyway when i use opoint, no matter how it just shuts game down, there is no difference between dummy and active object

(11-25-2008, 03:03 PM)Blue-Phoenix Wrote: - take hit_Fa: 7 (which is the coming down ball from Firzen's D^A), it'll automatically create a tail in frame 40. Since this won't really work with your idea, I recommendNo way!

(11-25-2008, 03:03 PM)Blue-Phoenix Wrote: - hit_Fa: 14. It is the hit_Fa from Julian's skull attack. Just pay attention to the hard-coded properties:
in a group: next
Just use an opoint creating some dummy-object that will vanish (aka. creating a tail thing)
"next" is looking good and i already used hit_Fa: 14
anyway when i use opoint, no matter how it just shuts game down, there is no difference between dummy and active object
(11-25-2008, 03:10 PM)MH-Razen Wrote: hm, a question: the thing about stuff "which falls down" - like stones or like Firzen's Overwhelming Disaster?Like firzen's disaster
(11-25-2008, 03:10 PM)MH-Razen Wrote: For first: Chase attack in the air, then stop after a while (use timer) and activate the thing in the frame you noted in timer.Don't realy understand how this can help me

(11-25-2008, 03:10 PM)MH-Razen Wrote: For second: Have a look at this:Sorry i already saw this a tens of time
(11-25-2008, 03:10 PM)MH-Razen Wrote: A list of hit_FA's and the effect, but if you want to clone anb attack like firzens overwhelm you will need this:I saw this too
(11-25-2008, 03:10 PM)MH-Razen Wrote: btw: as far as I remember you'll get errors if you use like hit_fa: 7 as example directly in a frame, you have to use hit_Fa: 3 in the frame before, dont ask whyIt will stop opoint error?