sorry. i had a feeling it wasnt enough
219 is the jan_chase heal ball
thats the thing thats meant to turn into pet.
431 is pet.
oh the 399 is something else. im using it as a dummy. The [email=]Pet Thread[/email] thread suggested about moving the character up in y axis possibly to not show the burning_smoke so i made a dummy at frame 399 in the ball data with the character sprite to sit in place.
currently dont anymore time to go grab the rest of the code but its mainly based from the thread.
219 is the jan_chase heal ball
thats the thing thats meant to turn into pet.
431 is pet.
oh the 399 is something else. im using it as a dummy. The [email=]Pet Thread[/email] thread suggested about moving the character up in y axis possibly to not show the burning_smoke so i made a dummy at frame 399 in the ball data with the character sprite to sit in place.
currently dont anymore time to go grab the rest of the code but its mainly based from the thread.
~its been a long time coming~