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[solved] to balls that hit each other but then you click attack to win.
That part will be much difficult...

My idea:
Give the "hit" frames of the ball an itr, that has the values x="x-bdy of ball"-30 w="w-bdy of ball"+60 y=2000 and h=20 (or something). And you have to put in something like dvx=...77 ^^
Then you go into the "hitting" frames and put in a special body on the same values as the itr:8-zone before.
In the frame 77 you now simly show an kamehameha explosion pic. (and then let the ball disappear normally).

The effect:
If two balls collide, always one will hit the other (and both will disapper). But during the few frames of disappearing the "hitting" ball will have a special body at y=2000 (that means FAR underearth) and the "hit" ball will search for an body at exactly that location.
If it "finds" such a body (so: if it collided with another ball of same kind) it will activate the itr:8 and will jump to frame "dvx", 77 in this case > It will show the animation at the colliding point.

I'm not sure, whether this completely works, but it should...
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Messages In This Thread
RE: to balls that hit each other but then you click attack to win. - by Alblaka - 02-21-2009, 09:09 PM

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