To the 1st point: I'm sure, that isn't possible. Lying and death is same for the system, with the only different, that it will put the character back to frame 0 after some time, if you still have hp.
To the 2nd: I don't know, but if i don't get soemthing wrong, the fall frames are a loop, which stops, when the character hits ground. So there wouldn't be a problem, to modifie that loop...
Hey, which mod banned him ^^ I want to thank someone...
At the beginning the question&answer game was nice, but now it good kinda repetitive somehow...
To the 2nd: I don't know, but if i don't get soemthing wrong, the fall frames are a loop, which stops, when the character hits ground. So there wouldn't be a problem, to modifie that loop...
Hey, which mod banned him ^^ I want to thank someone...
At the beginning the question&answer game was nice, but now it good kinda repetitive somehow...
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