You manage to fight your way through to Julian, who gets up from his throne,
taunting you, mocking you for your foolishness.
On the bottom floor, you fight Julian (dun dun duuuun! *evil music*).
On the precipice of what you believe to beat Julian, He laughs maniacly
and warps away, and in doing so, unblocks the way for you to get
to the higher level.
As you climb on top, Julian appears, and again laughs, stating you couldn't ever win,
as lighting shoots through the sky above.
You fight Julian now (*epic music plays*) and he brings his full
devastating power to bear against you (Wanna buff Julian, anyone?

You win, and Julian roars "NOOOOoooo..." as his power erupts from him,
the resulting explosion destroying the castle (movie ending?)
-I'm gonna stop myself here
