04-24-2009, 08:00 PM
250 words isn't a lot, you know. Eh, whatever, may as well give it a shot. Final word count of my thing is 224 words.
Another silent day. The boy took a breath as he laid back, the sky still shining lightly, the light barely concealed by the blossoming branches of the tree.
His eyes closed as he took a breath, arms behind his head and letting the sunlit shapes dance across his eyelids. A silent breeze followed, his hair tossed to the side by the feeling of the wind.
It only took another moment for his mind to fade, already drifting from the slight motions. His body rolled slightly, pressing onto the grass as his breath flickered from his body. The cool blades of the hill brushed against his face, a slight chill making him shake. Still, his mind drifted, at ease and calm, the feelings around him barely making him react.
A mild chirp forced him awake, and the flapping of a couple of wings shook his sight. He barely registered a thing as he rose, shaking himself to a bare level of awareness. He looked around for a moment before smiling, the small brown blur in the tree above still clear enough for him to notice.
“That time of year already, huh? I guess it's not only my tree now.”
He gave a contented sigh as he laid back down. His eyes closed again, his mind still drifting as chirps continued to penetrate the silence.
Another silent day. The boy took a breath as he laid back, the sky still shining lightly, the light barely concealed by the blossoming branches of the tree.
His eyes closed as he took a breath, arms behind his head and letting the sunlit shapes dance across his eyelids. A silent breeze followed, his hair tossed to the side by the feeling of the wind.
It only took another moment for his mind to fade, already drifting from the slight motions. His body rolled slightly, pressing onto the grass as his breath flickered from his body. The cool blades of the hill brushed against his face, a slight chill making him shake. Still, his mind drifted, at ease and calm, the feelings around him barely making him react.
A mild chirp forced him awake, and the flapping of a couple of wings shook his sight. He barely registered a thing as he rose, shaking himself to a bare level of awareness. He looked around for a moment before smiling, the small brown blur in the tree above still clear enough for him to notice.
“That time of year already, huh? I guess it's not only my tree now.”
He gave a contented sigh as he laid back down. His eyes closed again, his mind still drifting as chirps continued to penetrate the silence.