ok, I'm not mafia. I wanted to make a joke because the game hadn't really started at that time.
maybe I only did this so that the mafia thinks: we don't have to kill him, he will be killed by the citizens.
Anyway I think its unfair to kill darkfirzenEX. Some people are just not online very often and it hasn't been a long time since this game started.
So I vote for no kill as there are already 2 votes for that and therefor a patt now.
Remember: There are more citizens than mafia and the chance is high to get the mafia.
I konw you will say "DarkfirzenEX and Reaper are Mafia, they are helping each other", but you will see: you are wrong after you killed one of us.
And don't say "He wants that darkfirzenex is killed, then he says "Do you see? So I'm not mafia", but he IS!"
Well, I can't forbid you to think that, but it is completely wrong.
If I accuse someone now you will again say: he is randomly accusing someone, so I won't.
And remember: Who gets influenced by someone who says: LF2-Hacker is mafia because his ava is a mixture out of a frog and a strawberry? Noone would give anything about it( Well, you somehow do.) What would I want to achieve with that?I would have said Nave is mafia because he accuses bp.
And after the last round everybody knows that random accusing makes the others think you are mafia. So I wouldn't be so silly.
Ok, now you'll say I would have said that that because...
And I sa but...
And you'll say...
And so on.
So the best way is to say no kill because you have no idea who really is mafia. You need to know more about what everybody is saying. At least wait till Darkfirzen said something.
It's just logical not to kill anyone.
So: No kill.
And think of another thing: Maybe darkfirzen doesn't say anything because he knows random accusing doesn't help. But I think he just hasn't that much time. I haven't seen him online the lately.
maybe I only did this so that the mafia thinks: we don't have to kill him, he will be killed by the citizens.
Anyway I think its unfair to kill darkfirzenEX. Some people are just not online very often and it hasn't been a long time since this game started.
So I vote for no kill as there are already 2 votes for that and therefor a patt now.
Remember: There are more citizens than mafia and the chance is high to get the mafia.
I konw you will say "DarkfirzenEX and Reaper are Mafia, they are helping each other", but you will see: you are wrong after you killed one of us.
And don't say "He wants that darkfirzenex is killed, then he says "Do you see? So I'm not mafia", but he IS!"
Well, I can't forbid you to think that, but it is completely wrong.
If I accuse someone now you will again say: he is randomly accusing someone, so I won't.
And remember: Who gets influenced by someone who says: LF2-Hacker is mafia because his ava is a mixture out of a frog and a strawberry? Noone would give anything about it( Well, you somehow do.) What would I want to achieve with that?I would have said Nave is mafia because he accuses bp.
And after the last round everybody knows that random accusing makes the others think you are mafia. So I wouldn't be so silly.
Ok, now you'll say I would have said that that because...
And I sa but...
And you'll say...
And so on.
So the best way is to say no kill because you have no idea who really is mafia. You need to know more about what everybody is saying. At least wait till Darkfirzen said something.
It's just logical not to kill anyone.
So: No kill.
And think of another thing: Maybe darkfirzen doesn't say anything because he knows random accusing doesn't help. But I think he just hasn't that much time. I haven't seen him online the lately.