srry if you don't remember me i was on the old forums and my parents got devorced and i got moved constantly so i wasn't on much but ill be on a lot more now.
Is there a lfe verson of lf2 because the offical forums was working on one and i thought i saw something about a g4f lf2 verson and i was wondering if someone has started one or wants to
i want to but im not on often enough but if there was one being made i'd try to be part of it
i was just wondering becaue i've been gone for awhile
Is there a lfe verson of lf2 because the offical forums was working on one and i thought i saw something about a g4f lf2 verson and i was wondering if someone has started one or wants to
i want to but im not on often enough but if there was one being made i'd try to be part of it
i was just wondering becaue i've been gone for awhile Come please.