06-11-2009, 05:59 PM
Wake up at 7AM School starts at 7:20AM (usually is allways late arrives at 7:30)
Detention after school for being late
8:30 either P.E. or Science
9:45 either Math or History
11:50 Lunch
12:50 either Tech Tools/Drawing or Art (I hate Art this year ~ our teacher is old and looks like a dead prune that has been soaking in the sun all day and he won't let us do much ~ same old same old stuff ~ extremely tiring and dull ~ you may die of boredom some day)
1:50 English everyday
2:10 gets out of school (walks home)
8-10AM I wake up (never brush teeth
12PM Eats breakfast or Lunch (either one will do)
1PM Wants to go to friends but they sleep till 3PM
8-12PM goes on computer and doesn't really do much
3-8PM may go and visit family and cousins
yeah i have a boring life
I'm open on fridays
Wake up at 7AM School starts at 7:20AM (usually is allways late arrives at 7:30)
Detention after school for being late

8:30 either P.E. or Science
9:45 either Math or History
11:50 Lunch
12:50 either Tech Tools/Drawing or Art (I hate Art this year ~ our teacher is old and looks like a dead prune that has been soaking in the sun all day and he won't let us do much ~ same old same old stuff ~ extremely tiring and dull ~ you may die of boredom some day)
1:50 English everyday
2:10 gets out of school (walks home)
8-10AM I wake up (never brush teeth

12PM Eats breakfast or Lunch (either one will do)
1PM Wants to go to friends but they sleep till 3PM
8-12PM goes on computer and doesn't really do much
3-8PM may go and visit family and cousins
yeah i have a boring life
I'm open on fridays

A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality