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Contest #5: Writing Challenge
I'm glad I caught this one, I was to late for one of your earlier contests,
which was a pity because I had a really nice idea for it:p
Aha! I have a story for this one too.

Sorry if its too long, I've changed people's names as basic internet precautions :)

edit: yeah, it did Zabobula, and thanks:D

~James's Party~

I flicked the car's headlights on.
I could still see some light from the sun, struggling through the dark clouds, but the
road's visibility was becoming dangerously thin.
It was going to be very dark soon.

My sister sat in the front passenger seat, blissfully engaged in a conversation with my
girlfriend, who was sitting in the rear seat behind her. I took a moment to gaze into my
rear-view mirror, catching her eye. She smiled. I couldn't help but smile too.

My sister caught me looking in the mirror, and began scolding me "Keep your eyes on the
road you daft twit! You can stare at her all you like once we get to James's party."
I didn't respond, and kept smiling to myself as street lamps flashed passed overhead.
I could see a roundabout approaching, and my sister started talking again "We turn left up
here, don't we?" at which point I nod, and my girlfriend chimes up "Yeah, James lives just
down there" indicating the darker street.

I parked the car around the corner from James's, and walked down the street with the
two girls. The were still chattering happily as we turned the corner, as we passed a group
of people on the other side of the road, and as we walked into James's front yard.
Something bothered me about that group, but I couldn't pin-point it.
So I stopped worrying about them, they were a way away from the party anyway...

We walked through the gate into James's backyard, where James was standing. I handed
him the card and wished him a happy birthday as both girls gave him hugs. We then
proceeded to greet and talk to people as the night went on.

It is now really dark, and James's party has spilled out into his front yard, where I'm
having a chat with a resonably large, but friendly, bloke. My girlfriend is inside James's
house, taking turns at Guitar Hero, and my sister is in the front yard too, talking to her

I'm still talking to this guy, Daniel he tells me, when I hear someone yell. It doesn't sound
bad, more like from a drunk person who fell over. I didn't pay it much attention, and I was
about to keep talking with Daniel when a look of shock covered his face. I turn around,
manuvering past people, trying to see what's going on.

There's a man, probably 19 year old, standing in the headlights of the car, and a girl is
stumbling away. It takes me a moment to register the blood dripping between the fingers
of her hands over her nose and mouth. he'd king-hit her in the face.
My stomach drops as I hear a new voice while I'm trying to figure out what to do.
My sister is standing between him and the fleeing girl.

I hear the guy's voice, angry and menacing "I'll f*cking hit you."
My sister explodes with anger "STOP SAYING YOU'LL HIT ME BECAUSE YOU WON'T!"
I can hear my sister losing the plot as she screams, and I'm frozen in shock as
the man advances on her, the look in his eyes...

He was going to kill her.

I don't remember moving ...
I just remember standing in front of the man, my sister behind me.

He told me to move, so he could stab her.
I told him I couldn't, because she was my sister.
He look at me, for a moment ...

I was told later that we both walked away from each other, because
the next thing I remember is comforting my sister back in James's front yard.

We left shortly after, but I'd never forget that night.

The night I'd been the most scared in my entire life ...
Trust you're all well.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
RE: Contest #5: Writing Challenge - by Reaper - 06-20-2009, 04:29 PM
RE: Contest #5: Writing Challenge - by Zabobula - 06-20-2009, 06:35 PM
RE: Contest #5: Writing Challenge - by LutiChris - 06-20-2009, 08:04 PM
RE: Contest #5: Writing Challenge - by Magnamancy - 06-21-2009, 07:09 AM
RE: Contest #5: Writing Challenge - by Zabobula - 06-21-2009, 12:44 PM
RE: Contest #5: Writing Challenge - by Reaper - 06-27-2009, 01:38 PM
RE: Contest #5: Writing Challenge - by Lord Anu - 06-27-2009, 11:54 PM
RE: Contest #5: Writing Challenge - by LutiChris - 06-28-2009, 09:04 PM
RE: Contest #5: Writing Challenge - by Lord Anu - 07-04-2009, 02:22 PM
RE: Contest #5: Writing Challenge - by Lord Anu - 07-04-2009, 04:52 PM

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