06-24-2008, 01:48 PM
Ok thanks!
BTW, I found out that at some point, it does not copy the AI exactly.
Woody's copies, for example, does not perform d>a & does dva a lot on the other hand...
BTW, I found out that at some point, it does not copy the AI exactly.
Woody's copies, for example, does not perform d>a & does dva a lot on the other hand...
0040B15A . E9 00750300 JMP lf2.0044265F
0040B15F 90 NOP
0040B160 90 NOP
0040B161 . 0F85 29040000 JNZ lf2.0040B590
0040B167 > 83B8 08030000 >CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+308],64
0044265F > 83B9 F4060000 >CMP DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+6F4],0A
00442666 .^0F84 FB8AFCFF JE lf2.0040B167
0044266C . 83B9 F4060000 >CMP DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+6F4],37
00442673 .^0F84 EE8AFCFF JE lf2.0040B167
00442679 . 83B9 F4060000 >CMP DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+6F4],12
00442680 .^0F84 E18AFCFF JE lf2.0040B167
00442686 .^E9 058FFCFF JMP lf2.0040B590