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[GLT#3] Great Little Tournament #3
(08-19-2009, 10:23 PM)Yinseko Wrote:  @Doj: hi, tnx)

' Wrote:Do you still use some of those crappy rules?
how angry >.<
in GLT#1&2 we're haven't list of rules.
in GLT#3 some limits come. but it doesnt touch using of any skill and how many times.
for example we're add some only-gameplay-influence bugs:

1. tranformation of Rudolf while frozen \ throwed \ in air and e.c.t.
2. unlimited DoP combos (we test all, cuz, for example, many players said that D>J and catch with Dennis is cheat, but you're can still blocking this combo. That's wrongly called "cheat" or "bug". i guess we're analyze all other solo combos)
3. and some other))

non-game add's example:
4. all playes have to use MSN >< now we're finally think, that all players have to use one and only same messanger (no icq or e-mail letter now). we're choose most usefull and easy service - MSN

for stages of tour, i think if number of player will odd, one player (randomly) will promoted to second stage (anything ideas else?)
for each stage i guess we'll use 1 or 2 week's (it's because in autumn many players will study or working).

i'll try to do third GLT better :p

p.s. sorry for my english)

Seems like you've changed them. I'm glad.
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Messages In This Thread
[GLT#3] Great Little Tournament #3 - by Yinseko - 08-19-2009, 11:21 AM
RE: [GLT#3] Great Little Tournament #3 - by Evil Sonidow - 08-20-2009, 01:00 AM

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