(12-07-2009, 08:48 PM)Divisor Wrote: Oh ya, how is this going to be?
Will each one make one char (or more) or are we splitting into spriters and DCers?
That's a good question. I'll probably make a suggestion, that everyone posts down (from the team that is) - what their field will be in the project, that's if they don't intend on doing all fields.
So here, could everyone from the team please post down one of the following:
1) Spriting and Artwork
2) Hex/Exe Editing
3) Data Changing
4) A combination of two e.g Spriting and Data Changing
5) All
It is probably expected that everyone will help on a storyline or idea's. It's how we all work together, by putting together ideas. So yeah. Thanks guys.
Ninja'd god damnit.
Does this mean you want to be part of the team? Considering you said you could Hex, I didn't understand if that was an offer to take part. But yeah, thanks for the post - I get your idea

One day, I shall become, TUTORIAL-MAN: Superhero of writing overly long, overly annoying tutorials which most people probably won't read, but will give it a stab at the first 5 lines!