(12-10-2009, 09:48 AM)STM1993 Wrote: Doesn't make sense though - a fox + a wolf = a lizard with wings (aka European dragon)?
I personally voted for Salamander (because of its lizard appearance) and Penguin (because it stands up and is big-sized, and is a bird though the wings aren't exactly functional). Put them together, you get a big lizard with wings that can stand on its hind feet.
Since you made the decision already, I rest my case.
Ah, when I said, makes perfect sense.. I meant not so lizardy on the Firzen front either if you get me. So like, firzen would be a mix of a wolf and a fox, rather than the same old dragon which he seems to represent in every other mod xD. Sorry for the confusion

Oh and the final update, to who will be who:
Julian - Basilisk
Firzen - Mixture - Fox and Wolf
Bat - Bat
Freeze - Arctic Wolf
Firen - Desert Fox
Bandit - Doesn't get one
Henry - Eagle
Rudolf - Chameleon
Davis - Dragon
Woody - Tiger
Dennis - Lion
Deep - Scorpion
Mark - Rhino
Hunter - Doesn't get one
Louis - Pheonix
LouisEx - Pheonix
Knight - Crab
Justin - Little serpant
Jan - Domesticated Cat
John - Owl
Sorceror - Snake
Jack - Monkey
Monk - Panda
Template - Ameba
One day, I shall become, TUTORIAL-MAN: Superhero of writing overly long, overly annoying tutorials which most people probably won't read, but will give it a stab at the first 5 lines!