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[solved] Disappearing Item/Ball Problem+Itrk3 Problem
Imagine the T3 as a box, and the char as a box, to.
Now make one hole into the cpoint-coordinates of each box. Then use a plug to connect both boxes on their holes position.
That's catching.

If now, f.e., the T3-box has a height of 100cm and the char-box just 10cm and the cpoints have the coordinates 0/0 (so, left-upper edge), after connecting them the char-box would hover in the air.
In LF2 hovering chars will always go to jumping frames, as soon, as you "release" them (end of being caught).

If you dont want this to happen, you are going to change the cpoints until both boxes are touching the ground. F.e. you could change the T3-box's cpoint to 0/90 (lower left edge), then the char box would exactly touch the ground, it wouldnt hover in the air, the char wouldnt go to his jumping frames.

Dunno whether this helped you.
You should just try messing around until you find some working coordinates (as the y:48 may)...
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Thanks given by: Darkangel

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RE: Disappearing Item/Ball Problem+Itrk3 Problem - by Alblaka - 12-29-2009, 03:51 PM

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