06-19-2010, 07:36 AM
(06-17-2010, 02:13 PM)Evil Sonidow Wrote: That being said, back on the central part of the topic, I thought this thread would be about helping others with revisions and exams, not that huge block of text (tl;dr).
It can be. That was just a suggested method that helps people get a better understanding of their own subject by having to teach it.
I am also happy to write guidelines to revision and exam question help. So I shall start with the basics of exams:
1) Look at how many marks you can get for the paper and look at how long you have to do the paper. In most cases this should be about 1 mark : 1 minute ratio.
2) Do not keep attempting to do the question you're stuck on before moving on through the paper. If you do this, it may cost you marks. Skip that question and answer the others before coming back to it. I say this because you can get just as many marks from doing easier questions as you can that one hard question.
3) Try not to stress out. By getting angry/stressed during an exam you lose your concentration. Yes, it is hard to complete the exam and get a good grade, but if you focus you can achieve it that much more easily.
4) Stick to the set amount of lines given in the question. Going over this will waste time as you do not need to write more to get the answer correct. You risk contradicting yourself if you write more, and thus have a chance to lose your mark.
5) Do not move about in your seat, tap your pen on your desk or fidgit. This can distract your mind and also distract other people from working.
6) Read the question and underline the KEY WORDS. You will not get marks for answering what you think is the question, when it's asking something completely different. There is nothing good about losing marks because you misread the question or anticipated something different.
Key words may be found on this link:-
This is the basics of the help I can give you. I will expand upon it more at a later time.
Hopefully this all helps.
One day, I shall become, TUTORIAL-MAN: Superhero of writing overly long, overly annoying tutorials which most people probably won't read, but will give it a stab at the first 5 lines!