08-10-2008, 09:39 PM
(08-10-2008, 06:45 PM)Blue Phoenix Wrote: It seems that there are quite a few members who play an instrument...
So... who of you plays an instrument and for how long?
edit: forgot to mention that, but it'd be cool if you could tell us which piece you currently play ;)
yes indeed.... several: keyboards (9yrs), flute (6yrs), electric guitar (this specific one for almost 3 yrs), è bouzouki (forevor) among others, all self-taught. most recently played on keyboards a song called "already up" that my friend yggie and i wrote, some random baroque pieces on the flute that i recently acquired, guitar i think was greenday or something, and on bouzouki was, translated, "antonis the boatman". my favourite pieces for any instrument are generally from the baroque/ transitional period to classical, but i'm fond of mastering the more recent pieces of the great bela bartòk, even cerebral pieces such as crystals by robert moevs, which i mastered on both the keys and flute about 3 yrs ago. =P