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[BG] EmKaY'usium 1+2
Like Whaat said. Because if the floor's like that, it makes it look vertical instead of a floor. The second one is also a bit too light for my liking...and you might want to change the picture on the right. Someone might complain otherwise. Also, if you made the first one's floor more high-techlike, e.g a translucent pane, it would be more fitting to the background.
But nice anyways :)
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Messages In This Thread
[BG] EmKaY'usium 1+2 - by EmKaY57 - 07-24-2010, 04:12 AM
RE: [BG] EmKaY'usium 1+2 - by Ragor - 07-24-2010, 04:40 AM
RE: [BG] EmKaY'usium 1+2 - by Whaat - 07-24-2010, 05:16 AM
RE: [BG] EmKaY'usium 1+2 - by oliveryungo - 07-24-2010, 10:24 AM

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