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[char] LutiChris [char]
Yay - thanks to the server shutdown...
LFE is Online Again
I got alot of things done within those 2 days for LutiChris, including new Face!!!
Here are new and updates sprites...
DOWNLOAD UPDATE ON LUTICHRIS SPRITE SHEETS (<<<<lol i always use Imagehost for everything :D)

Hurt Frames (Click to View)
Yay ~ finally finnished hurt frames... :D

Taunt Frames (Click to View)
This was an idea i had for the >>J+turn around+A
Since most character don't attack while performing this move i desided to make this for fun...
Something about this looks wrong to me, please comment on things i need to fix
Here is what i think i need to improve on:
Tongue and Open/Close Hands

Upper-Cut (Click to View)
It finally took me only 2 days when i first got the sprite sheets Bamboori posted and yesterday
Please comment, ignore the skinney legs, body or arms...

So what do you guys think?
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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I think this is going to be a great character.
And I think the best face is the "Recently New Face".
[Image: GC_Chara_Banner.PNG]
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(06-26-2009, 08:49 PM)LBPGuy Wrote:  I think this is going to be a great character.
And I think the best face is the "Recently New Face".

Pi-Face thinks it's gay
Thanks for saying that, I really think this char is going to be sensational as well...
hope Bamboori finnishes with a temorary char for LC
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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well, atm i'm at punching frames, but won't be able to upload or dc anything for 3 weeks cause I'm away, sry.
btw: in my opinion, you should make one more face, where he is hanging upside down and grinning^^
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wow that new facepick looks awesome!
i love the progress :)
keep going.

if u need anymore help with anything else (though i doubt it at this point), feel free to ask
~its been a long time coming~
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Thanks everyone for supporting LutiChris :)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[Look at the bottom of this post ;)]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

thats ok, Your still my dcr till u come back, alright?
anyways ~ I'll try and finnish things up with LutiChris
All I have to do is Demon Form, Stomp, and Kick-Off
I'm still not sure about Demon Form?
Stomp and Kick-Off is going to have to be original

I guess you could help me make Demon Form
I'm still not sure about it though...

@Everyone, including Alectric...
Thanks to Alectric's Aerial Spin Move (that he made ~ by the way :D)
I made a LutiChris Style using his character as a base...
so what do u guys think?

Aerial Spin
[Image: Aerial_Spin.gif] [Image: Aerial_Spin.png]

New Defence
[Image: newdefencefor_LC.png] also here is a new defence
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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the arm looks weird in frame 2. =\
as for the new defence...theres something not quite right...maybe the legs...
but other than that, it looks great :)
~its been a long time coming~
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dang, i dont really like you using my move, but i guess its too late now...
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@LutiChris ...what about thinking of own far i can only see moves other guys already sprited and used.....there is a louis a davis a maveric and a alectric move.....i still like your spriting style...just think of moves which havent been used by other guys
[Image: 165.gif]
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Oh, I like it ~ goes well with LutiChris moves... lots of flips and kicks... :D

Yes I know I have realised this once I was done with the Upper-cut
Thats why i'm planning the Kick-Off and Stomp to be ORIGINAL
hopefully it'll turn out right ~ cause I usually need an outline before doing this... kind of stuff... Facepalm
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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