Poll: Who shall be crowned the king of the tournament?
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bashscrazy [Image: aRSkp.png]
4 18.18%
Whaat [Image: anthro2.png]
18 81.82%
Total 22 vote(s) 100%
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Official Sprite Tournament
Summer is here and the contestants are dropping like fried, bored and fat flies. Luckily, we still have just enough strength in numbers to make this worthwhile. For glory, for honor, for LF2, comrades!

Versus listing:

Group A:
[Image: 115385394851f45af7edd8efab3c1f8ca25252b2.jpg]Blue Phoenix Versus [Image: 115385452b40aabfe85c1530dfcd31108699f511.png]Whaat

Group B:
[Image: 11538542feb7fb8b64068d0b8f36f3a6d93a14bb.png]mundvoll_ Versus [Image: 1153854885da4cb6e41abc1cae6202285ce73acc.png]bashscrazy

Reset the poll, please.
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mundvoll_ got my vote
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: Jahvansi
(06-13-2011, 03:44 PM)DesignHeaven Wrote:  mundvoll_ got my vote
Uhm, you have to vote one guy from each pair D:
E: And some comments:
Very detailed, but it's too detailed to be LF2 styled face pic, also it's little square atleast at the cheek :/ also his eyes are kinda up :/
Nice job man D: this is your best facepic ever xp the BG is maybe little too light :/ But it's very LF styled D: shading is also nice. But face looks little too blurred maybe?
This really has style in it, but i think that LF styled face pics > other styled :/ also his neck is thin, his nose is hardly visible and mouth is way too visible (preferred to nose) but there's hardly no shading or there is too little different tones (right word?). And imo BG should have only one color, mixing two is little hard to make look good :/ but hair is awesome D: and it would be even better if it had more shading.
As a first try, it's really smooth and looks even LF styled (except the cartoonist styled funny chin xp ) it's good that you changed the BG from black to blue, now the char itself is more visible.
I can't vote myself ofc, but for group B vote, my vote goes to:
But i still hope we will get a real poll.
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
Thanks given by:
BP for group A
mundvoll_ for group B

But if it is only one vote,then BP.
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Poll le updated.

Now vote, gogogogogogo! :D
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Vote for mun_ bp and whaat
Bp and u two made a cool face pic but I really don't know for who to vote cuz I think it's the same level
Bush u made here an awesome face pic and it's great for first time
But way didn't I vote for ya? Only one reason cuz u made a wrong move to take batman for face pic
I don't say it's no good but because batman have a mask and a black musk there isnt eangh details sorry bro it was a great fp but wrong move to choose batman
I'm really sorry :(

good pose good colors
Cool char design it's a good char only one thig u can make this fp better
Why didn't u use more colors (don't know how to say it the lights and shdows of the color)
Bp 80/100
What 80/100
Bush 85/100
Mun_ 90/100

All of you guys made a great fps!!!
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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I thought you were only supposed to vote for one person per section.
Like you can only vote for BP or Whaat, not both. Only vote for Mundvoll or me, not both of us?
I guess not lol.

Also thanks Whaat and DesignHeaven :)
Yeah I guess it was a mistake for Batman, not enough details, but then again.. if I picked a char with hair I would screw it up.
Also, now my Batman char has a almost LF2ish kindafakhfajkf ahkf face!
Thanks given by: Ariel
My vote goes For Mundvoll_ as it was his first one and was I think the best entry here!
Keep it up and others also made some awesome ones but i am supposed to vote only one member right?
Thanks given by: Jahvansi
Im a little suprised by the votes so far!

I quite like BP's face pic, its got good depth and colour, just maybe the mouth is a bit small, and the cheek bones/eyes a tad high
Whaat's face pic is good, when i look at it, i think of a bird (more specifically, and ostrich 0.o) but he looks so sad, probably because of the too subtle shading on the jumper

Mundvoll's face pic is nice, but the head is very oddly shapped, the eyes are so dull, and the background is too saturated in colour, that is distracts me a little from the actual face.
I like Baschcrazy's facepic because BATMAN! +1 for the expression, and glowing eyes are a nice touch, and nice contrast of the face vs. BG.

TL;DR voted for Blue Phoenix and Baschcrazy

@Not LF2-ness omgitsanlf2forumwhatisthisihateitbecauseitisntlf2stylewahwahwah, there was nothing about it being LF2 styled. In fact, its better to view these without LF2 style in mind.

Damn, i wish i had time to have entered :(
Thanks given by: Silverthorn
(06-14-2011, 06:40 AM)Alectric Wrote:  I quite like BP's face pic

i kinda thought bp's needs more hair, looks like the brain inside his head is kinda squished

voted whaat and bashcrazy

Thanks given by: MnM , Ariel , Whaat , Jernemies , Silverthorn , snorsorbet , Dr. Time

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