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[Char] Nino
(04-03-2015, 11:59 PM)Ariel Wrote:  so how about hiding the weapon only in the first ball
than when he spin to go for the second ball it just return to his right hand?

I will try :) I'll also make the D>A more like in the animation when most of my exams are over. I got 2 in the coming week.

Edit: some others things for the next update:
- D>A will cost more MP
- I'll do something about the overpowered dash attack.

- I'll fix the coordinates for drinking
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Ariel
I wassupposed to be studying, but oh well. I did a 10 minute data edit (new MP cost for D>A, reduced the effectiveness of his dash attack a little (it hits in only 2 frames now, instead of 3), made D>A somewhat more like in the animation)

I also changed his standing a little bit (edit: the position of his ankle):

[Image: standing_zpstwexwa0s.png]

And I made a small picture.

Nothing special, but its something :)
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Ariel
I dont know if I messed up installing, for me D>A has no mana costs at all now and animation looks more messed up (small ball starting from above nino).

btw which attack u mean with dashattack? running jumping +A? I cant perform those combos with it in that case D: probably cause I suck ._.
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How about we make the d>a do only one ball
Than if u click something at end it will do the second and another click will do the dash

On phone now
I'll try it later
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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(04-05-2015, 04:35 PM)Arcane Wrote:  I dont know if I messed up installing, for me D>A has no mana costs at all now and animation looks more messed up (small ball starting from above nino).

btw which attack u mean with dashattack? running jumping +A? I cant perform those combos with it in that case D: probably cause I suck ._.

Strange, it should be working just fine.. At least it is in the version I'm using, and I copied the files directly from the game folder.

With dash attack, I mean Run+Jump+Attack. However, if you want to use it in the combos, you have to press Jump and and arrow to the left or right at the same time when landing, and then press attack. The combos should be working just fine as well...

(The 2nd D>A ball is still overpowered by the way, but it doesn't matter since its a temporary measure^^)
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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I completetly reinstalled and still not working with D>A

managed to perform the dashattack now, I gotta say tho, out of like 15 times I managed to combo D^A + dashattack once, the kick just always comes too late
I guess I suck D:
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(04-05-2015, 04:52 PM)Arcane Wrote:  I completetly reinstalled and still not working with D>A

managed to perform the dashattack now, I gotta say tho, out of like 15 times I managed to combo D^A + dashattack once, the kick just always comes too late
I guess I suck D:

It would seem I posted the wrong file :p

Try this one:

I haven't changed the dash kick though. I'll have to be honest, I think you just have to be faster with pressing the attack button... :p I never miss a dash kick :O

Am I correct to say that we only need:
- a rowing (run+defend)
- a jump attack
- a face pic
- a dash move that works well with his big D>A ball
- some more "destroyed" frames for his big D>A ball
? :D

So, we must decide on the effect of his 2nd ball, and how to combine it with a melee attack.
Also, right now, I feel the 2 balls don't really belong together / the move doesn't suit the LF2 fighting style (this has nothing to do with the sprites, those are awesome, it has to do with the gameplay).
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Ariel
i have an idea for the ball if its possible
doing D>A will throw 2 fast small balls instead of 1 big 1 small
but holding (charging) before will throw the big ball
i think it will look more esthetic that way
than if you charge the slow ball and than click something fast you will fuse it with the dash idea we had before
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: Memento
(04-10-2015, 11:33 AM)Ariel Wrote:  i have an idea for the ball if its possible
doing D>A will throw 2 fast small balls instead of 1 big 1 small
but holding (charging) before will throw the big ball
i think it will look more esthetic that way
than if you charge the slow ball and than click something fast you will fuse it with the dash idea we had before

Sounds like a great idea :) It seems to be possible also, yet it appears it's buggy... Yet, I have had a conversation with TheNave not long ago, and he once made an LF2 .exe with a special state for this. I'll ask him about it ^_^

Quote:Huff, I'm sorry, can't help you there, all my projects related to lf2 have been deleted a long time ago... so unfortunately I cannot access the old work I created once... and since it has been a few yers I also cannot remember anything aswell... heck I think I even forgot how to properly hex-edit atall...
that's why I wanted to do AI stuff, it's easy and only logical thinking which I'm luckily still capable of^^

Too bad :(

I'll try it with regular data changing asap
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Ariel
good enough?
[Image: 8zMWWjv.png]

forgot the ear >.<
[Image: AT3xO94.png]
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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