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Zack v0.91 out now
Well all the typical names have pretty much been taken and really creative names would be so much better IMO.... :)
but's his choise...
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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so yeah..... that char isnt oryginal anymore from now.... resprited running from denis to fix problem.... T_T
[Image: animation1jm.gif]
[Image: animation1gl.gif]
[Image: animation1r.gif]to lazy to make two handet =_= its about spriting hand behing head...
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its really nice and i love it.
but you can make attacks original it doesn't have to be every single part of the way original.
and again lazy man goes to work that awefull jk
[Image: 2aGKf.png]

My Sprites

Signature Made By DesignHeaven
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Ahh looks really good smooth and a natural. Probably faster and better to jist work over the other sprites so you dont have to plan everything out which is a whole lot harder.
[Image: 3rdslim.jpg]
[Image: DAslim.jpg]
[Image: Rocky.jpg]
[Image: Clidebanner.jpg]

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-___- ahhh... believe me my friend those sprites from above are only sprites i done basic on other ones rest are completly new done by me by my own mouse so dont worry... and that what i was talking about guys :/ few sprites and character arent oryginal anymore
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no they are ariginal original i was talking about the name....but whatever.... ;D

A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
Thanks given by: hell fightter
yeah i guesed that :p i was talking to tricky... it looks like his sugesting that i dont put any hard work to my sprites becouse im just respriting whats not truth

yeah it pissed me of a little but i dont wanna fight or something... im pointing that his wrong
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1 thing to say : you are AWESOME AWESOME in the walking frames
realy smutly
sorry 4 my bad eng
[Image: stand-10_zpse8943b33.gif][Image: walk-11_zps3a4de3e2.gif][Image: att-3_zps48065cd2.gif]

Thanks given by: hell fightter
well in fact i used denis foots becouse theyre better shadet XD it has foot botton but the rest like legs and hads are preaty easy. all made with same sprite if you use photofiltre or photoshop you can simply change theyre eagle wit "free transform" all you need is play with details and shades
im almost done with sprites its time for skills and i need alot of help in decing D: soo if anyone could just let me know if my ideas for a skill are possible and how to do them ill be greatefull thx :D

so my first idea comes from SWTFU its a force ligthning
its in 0:48
so for nice begining i want to do something like firen's flamethrower ( do i spell it right? )... i gues its basic on some kind of beam attack that aend when mana ends. what i want to get its some kind of a "cloud". i mean a chaseying ball that will summoning smaler edges around (what i want to get is a cloud of lightning that shots some kind of sparks around) and maybe with some "tail effect"
somethink like that ( i did not dc it.. its edited screeshot )
[Image: 70740977.png]
obviously those smaller edges must disapear fast cus i dont wana drawn whole battle ground in lightning.... oh and it can just charge out or disapear sorry for my bad english i cant explain it more cleer
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(07-02-2010, 12:33 PM)hell fightter Wrote:  yeah i guesed that :p i was talking to tricky... it looks like his sugesting that i dont put any hard work to my sprites becouse im just respriting whats not truth

yeah it pissed me of a little but i dont wanna fight or something... im pointing that his wrong

Sorry man I didn't mean to offend/make u mad. I just meant that It looks good regardless of what u do. I didn't mean to say that its unoriginal or that u didn't work hard on it cause u obviously did work very hard.
[Image: 3rdslim.jpg]
[Image: DAslim.jpg]
[Image: Rocky.jpg]
[Image: Clidebanner.jpg]

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