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[Char] Klira
(05-05-2009, 05:47 PM)SimonLF2DCer Wrote:  
(05-05-2009, 05:06 PM)Yakui Wrote:  >original


I don't think so: rudolf is edited very cheap, and that weapon is from other lf2, so ripped.

This char could be awesome (maybe, maybe...) for one reason: DC... If he'll do it well, then it'll be a good char, even if he's stolen.. :P
(Secretely hopes Yakui will ruin Simon's post)

-I've seen the weapon before.
-Ice effect? What the hell?
-A .gif of Rudolph (minus the ponytail) performing an unoriginal move.

I'm not convinced :s
My projects:
=> Comet - LF2 ver.1.9/1.9c skin.
=> CRE - ComboRegenerativeEnemy.

Contact me if the links to my projects become unavailable.
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(05-05-2009, 05:47 PM)SimonLF2DCer Wrote:  
(05-05-2009, 05:06 PM)Yakui Wrote:  >original


I don't think so: rudolf is edited very cheap, and that weapon is from other lf2, so ripped.

This char could be awesome (maybe, maybe...) for one reason: DC... If he'll do it well, then it'll be a good char, even if he's stolen.. :P

You completely missed the point of my post and for that I congratulate you

also JossuaDC: I can't edit posts anymore, remember?
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[Image: tuan.gif]
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Hey guys don't bash him. It just may be programmers art. Anyways kieutuan I think your character is great so far! Next time try to just make your own sprites, even if it looks bad. People will tell you how it looks and how you can improve it, you might even become a better artist then dcer.
[Image: brucesig.png]
Thanks given by: kieutuan
I'd be fine if it was just a recolor or a simple edit (like it is atm), original sprites aren't a necessity as long as you have put effort into the rest contrary to what 90% of this forum believes.
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(05-08-2009, 05:34 PM)Yakui Wrote:  I'd be fine if it was just a recolor or a simple edit (like it is atm), original sprites aren't a necessity as long as you have put effort into the rest contrary to what 90% of this forum believes.

So what if he doesn't have original sprites? He's just showing what he can dc. I was starting to get pissed when I saw 5-6 people posting, "It sucks coz it has crap sprites..."
~Member of the NTSD team~
[Image: sigk.png]
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All u did was cut off his ponytail??
Nothing is ORIGINAL HERE...
the ice shirukens was a lame idea
I hate the fact that u did nothing to the sprites (thats what i'm cranky about) poor job of doing it
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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(05-12-2009, 08:39 PM)LutiChris Wrote:  All u did was cut off his ponytail??
Nothing is ORIGINAL HERE...
the ice shirukens was a lame idea
I hate the fact that u did nothing to the sprites (thats what i'm cranky about) poor job of doing it

I poke my nose in response to your dumbass comment. |:
Thanks given by: Alectric , snorsorbet
Personally I think the ice shurikens are pretty cool. It is no different from Freeze's ice ball, no? It just looks different. Anyways give the guy some time to work on it. A character is never complete until the creator says so.
[Image: brucesig.png]
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really ppl you should learn how to criticise.
when you criticise someone you show him his mistakes and/or give him the right way how to improve/fix it.
the thing you are doing is... bash with words. you are just making his work and effort down.
you don't give him advices or a way how to improve. what do you guys think is the result of your behavior?
three things:
1. you demotivate him
2. you are showing him how to behave like an a**hole
3. he will maybe give up lf2 modding completly, means you ruin the future of an (maybe) awesome modder (you never know acutally)

seriously thats not the right way to do it. if that's the way how the lfe community treats their (hard) working members
then i wonder how low it has gotten. I know that this is not really important to you.. but i am really disapointed.

/general assholery

@the topic:
your char looks fine. sprites are not that original but that doesn't matter. As i can see you are capeable of dc (which i am not :p) thats a good thing and i think you can get even better with the right amount of training. You can improve your spriting skills too.. you don't have to though
look at some sprite tutorials, try them out. Remember practice is all you need. But if you realise that you don't have any artistic talent then its still fine. You can make an descent char without new sprites but you can't make an char without DC skills (at least not alone), so you are on the right side.
Keep it up!
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
Thanks given by: kieutuan , another_user , Drahcir , AmadisLFE

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