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Mine's Sprites
see thats what i was talking about, stop waisting time on single sprites. Wanna move to the next level? Make a full char, you definitely learn a new technique in the process.

For the sprite, i think its ur best by far. Eyes r good, so is the hair shading. Keep it up :)
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
Thanks given by: MnM
Totally afree with PF, that IS good, very big jump to higher level preferring to your earlier ones. But still you could use 2 colors at shading (base color + shade + shade) atm it seems there is only 1 shading color?
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
Thanks given by: MnM
@^ : I use only 2 colors. Cause i feel it is my style. i could burn at last after finishing everything..
okies, I thought of extending my work with heads. Since i am using bat as a base, i did these head types for Char_0 . these were the possible types i could find out. Did i miss anything?

Fixed version :
[Image: bs8h7deqfsbtawom9.png]
fixed the last head
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head/hair shape maintainin could get rly difficult so watch ur self. I ceckon u did a good job with those heads. Except the 3rd one is kinda small.
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
Thanks given by: MnM
Some tips cause you actually tried to improve on your own and stopped asking for help:

Your shapes are very good now. You should't work on them that much, unless you want to start adding some little details to get used to it, but there's other things you would want to improve first.
Your shading-brushing is really sharp. This is not bad in my opinion, mine is aswell. But if you use it with just two colours, you have to have a very keen eye for colours/contrast/saturation. So yeah, work on the last.

I'll take the last sprite as an example:
Shapes are really good and clean (specially face). Position is not something original/fancy but it's well done in itself. The position of the shading is ok too. Then my personal tip to you (because someone may prefer it like this, or it may be your style), try to use less saturation for colors like red, and less contrast in general. At first I didn'tt see the shading of the hair as such because the colors you used differ way too much.

After you have done that, you could work on details, different color palettes and dynamic poses, or as an alternative, start working on a character to improve everything at once (but slowly).

So yeah, that's it. You have improved your shapes a lot (compare the last one with your other sprites), that's very important. I don't know if you studied over original/other spriters work, but if you did keep doing it.
Thanks given by: MnM
Thanks everyone. And I edited the coloring scheme and added less contrast to red and a required one to other colors.
[Image: bsbixejg007m2nxcx.png]
I feel another day of work with the heads ....

Walking frames done:

[Image: bsbkt9fg36c21gdr5.png]

1-1:15 hours for this >_<
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Nice, but pants shading could be smthing else than just straight lines?
And also face shading is just getting from skin color -> orange instead of skin color -> darker skin color. But hair is still nice, + for that.
And maybe you should redesign that shirt, i can still clearly see it´s from bat :/
E: I know it´s his first char, but still these are kinda little improvements?
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
Thanks given by: MnM
@what: this is his 1st char so i reckon he did a descent job on the frames :)
dont wory after couple chars it gets better. Oh an 1:15 hour fo those frames? :D gosh i dont mean to brag but those take me like 10 minutes tops.

Waiting for moar ;)
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
Thanks given by: MnM
It looks waaay better now. It looks like true LF2 style now because of the simple shading, I like that. I suggest to keep working on him as fast as you can with the current design. Then after everything is done you can have fun adding thing as gloves and such, if you want.

Keep it up :p

Since the arms are in a standart position (not in pockets or crossed arms), maybe you can make them swing a little.
Thanks given by: MnM
well, did this walkin animation:

[Image: bsbv2zhtflsgw7nhd.gif]

Soon i will release him running lol .

@^: Thanks. I didn't see ur post cause u posted while i was posting this :P
@^2 : Kies

Good night for now >_<
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