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Ramond's RPG Adventure v2.0
But they do look different! :p
I think Phil should lead the way, so we could know if there're some guards ahead :)


Ramond edited this post 12-26-2011 09:17 PM because:
they are only different in that one is horizontal and the other is vertical, yes
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Doing what BP said, Not much time to write something big atm
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no phil shall lead the way :(
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Bleh, we go there with cat up in front.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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nono, I suggest to go 3 squares east from the spot bp marked, it's still unexplored there and we might find the staircase leading downwards (it might be another red door though)
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ash24pu2h3flkjandslkcjnhelkja p gf243ioufh wa4ep8f ho432ifu hawlekjfh p3294uhf alskejf h fine what nave said
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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cmoooon update this already... the last update was liek... last year, it's time for anotherone!
Thanks given by: Bamboori
Simon, Blue Phoenix and Phil proceed to explore a certain area in the estate, however, when they turn into the big room they are spotted by two guards.

Simon is the first one to act with 53 AGI!
Phil is the next one to act with 52 AGI!

Attack: Physically attacks an enemy of your choice.
Special Attack: You can choose between various attacks. All of them have something special. Costs MP.
Spell: You can choose a spell you've learned and cast it. Costs MP.
Item: You can use an item. You can also change your weapon, shield or accessoir, but only one piece at most.
Defend: Increases the chance of avoiding the next attack on you for a round.
Escape: You can escape the battle if everybody else from your team does that and your total AGI is higher than the enemies'.

Book of Knowledge

(Hints of Interest: The guard in the large prison room is still asleep, but he doesn't seem to be in a deep sleep.
Stat poins left: Drahcir, snorsorbet)
Skill points left: -
Group 1 is currently NOT able to access the inventory for items or equipment.)

Drahcir - HP: 116/116, MP: 11/11
Bamboori - HP: 1/104, MP: 1/9 (Arrows: magic 0, normal 32)
SirFrog - HP: 1/82, MP: 9/115+1
Nave - HP: 59/85+58, MP: 4/103+1
snorsorbet - HP: 1/97, MP: 14/57+1

Blue Phoenix - HP: 66/75+30, MP: 1/10
Simon - HP: 89/89+70, MP: 1/3
Phil - HP: 83/83, MP: 8/8

Estate Guard 1 - HP: ???/???, MP: ?/?
Estate Guard 1 - HP: ???/???, MP: ?/?

Gold coins: 666

LFE Kingdom (drafted version) (Click to View)
(press F5 to update the image)
[Image: jaden_estate_f2.png] [Image: jaden_estate_f1.png] [Image: jaden_estate_b1.png]

(a red x means enemy, and you cannot be seen when you're behind or "in" a tree)
(a red line means a locked door, only openable with the Master Key)

Group 1 (orange): Drahcir + Bamboori + SirFrog + Nave + snorsorbet
Group 2 (blue): Blue Phoenix + Simon + Phil

It's midday. (3:49 PM)
A blurry mass of raindrops falling from the sky soaks the landscape into a wet idyll.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
Thanks given by: Bamboori
Escape or die? Which one?
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kill them!

Phil: Using Defiance when it's my turn
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