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Ramond's RPG Adventure v2.0
Eh, you're kidding me, right? :P

Well, what dost ye guys think, should Drahcir waste his last LoH (if yes, who should be the lucky one) or go raeg-attack?

Ramond edited this post 10-13-2012 01:36 PM because:
Drahcir has *pretty* low DEX
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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bp, trai harde!
snor zap at the next guard, while simon regular atak on him!
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Still waiting for the mages and a certain cat :D
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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Nave'll heal Somin
I'll repear my last turn on the next Elite Guard
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"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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Simoneon edited this post 10-16-2012 03:08 PM because:
haha I just realized how schizophrenic bp is :D
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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attacking estate guard 2 (george 2 or is it fred?)

Silverthorn edited this post 10-21-2012 09:14 AM because:
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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Simon (67 ATK) attacks Estate Guard 2 (?? DEF)! (HIT Roll: 3, DMG Roll: 5)
He deals 24 physical damage!
Estate Guard 2 collapses! (EXP +82) (Kill EXP Bonus: +8 (Simon))

Phil's Mana Pool (Level 1) is active!
The group regenerates 1 MP!

Phil (57 ATK) attacks Estate Guard 3 (??-? DEF)! (HIT Roll: 5, DMG Roll: 5)
He deals 19 physical damage!

Bamboori (65+2 ATK) attacks (-1 arrow) Master Jaden (?? DEF)! (HIT Roll: 0)
He misses!

Estate Guard 5 (?? ATK) attacks Phil (31 DEF)! (HIT Roll: 6)
He misses!

SirFrog casts Ice Bolt (40 ice damage) (-15 MP) on Estate Elite 2 (?? MDF)! (DMG Roll: 11, STA Roll: 4)
He deals 40 ice damage!

Estate Guard 3 (?? ATK) attacks Phil (31 DEF)! (HIT Roll: 2)
He misses!

Estate Guard 4 (?? ATK) attacks Drahcir (42 DEF)! (HIT Roll: 19, DMG Roll: 3)
He deals 31 physical damage!

snorsorbet casts Energy Zap (Level 2) (2x25 energy damage) (-14 MP) on Estate Guard 3 (?? MDF)! (DMG Roll: 3|14)
He deals 0 energy damage!
He deals 11 energy damage!

Nave casts Healing (Weak) (HP +50) (-15 MP) on Simon! (RST Roll: 8)
He replenishes 60 health points!

Drahcir (57 ATK) attacks Estate Guard 3 (?? DEF)! (HIT Roll: 18, DMG Roll: 8)
He deals 18 physical damage!

Battle Round 6:

Simon is the next one to act with 53 AGI!
Phil is the next one to act with 52 AGI!
Bamboori is the next one to act with 48 AGI!
SirFrog is the next one to act with 36 AGI!
snorsorbet is the next one to act with 35 AGI!
Nave is the next one to act with 32 AGI!
Drahcir is the next one to act with 29 AGI!

Book of Knowledge

(Hints of Interest:
Stat poins left: snorsorbet)
Skill points left: -)

Melee: Drahcir, snorsorbet, Simon, +Phil

Drahcir - HP: 85/116-31, MP: 8/11+1 (1x LoH left)
Bamboori - HP: 96/104, MP: 1/9+1 (Arrows: magic 0, normal 25)
SirFrog - HP: 51/82, MP: 53/115+1 -15 +8
Blue Phoenix - HP: 0/75, MP: 10/10 (sneak attack disabled in limited space mode)
Nave - HP: 65/85, MP: 53/103+1 +7
snorsorbet - HP: 93/97, MP: 29/57+1 -14 +4
Phil - HP: 22/83, MP: 1/8+1 (Aura Mana Pool (Level 1))
Simon - HP: 87/89+60, MP: 2/3+1

Mana Pool (Aura Level 1): +1 MP per round / before Phil

Estate Guard 1 - HP: 0/???, MP: ?/?
Estate Guard 2 - HP: 0/???-24, MP: ?/? cold
Estate Guard 3 - HP: ??/???-19 -11 -18, MP: ?/? cold
Estate Elite 1 - HP: 0/173, MP: 2/2
Estate Guard 4 - HP: ???/???, MP: ?/? cold
Estate Guard 5 - HP: ???/???, MP: ?/?
Estate Elite 2 - HP: 82/173-40, MP: 2/2 cold
Estate Guard 6 - HP: ???/???, MP: ?/? cold
Master Jaden - HP: ???/???, MP: ??/??
Estate Guard 7 - HP: ???/???, MP: ?/? cold
Estate Bowman 1 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Estate Bowman 2 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Estate Bowman 3 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?

Gold coins: 666

LFE Kingdom (drafted version) (Click to View)
(press F5 to update the image)
[Image: jaden_estate_f2.png] [Image: jaden_estate_f1.png] [Image: jaden_estate_b1.png]

It's midday. (4:08 PM)
A blurry mass of raindrops falling from the sky soaks the landscape into a wet idyll.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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Repeat my action.
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hax bp and he's alive

snor energy zap at the rest elite soldier

simon secret roundhouse to kick bob (guard 3), aka attack
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Ramond edited this post 10-21-2012 07:36 PM because:
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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