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Is impossible clear Survival Mode!
well, here's a theory (unlikely one) you can only proceed forwards without repeating only if u are using one of the 11 fighters (template included)

If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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i've modded template and ... he is at stage 120.
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i modified the stage dat:
<stage> id: 50 #Survival Stage
<phase> bound: 1500 #phase 0
id: 0 hp: 0

<phase> bound: 1500 #phase 1
id: 0 hp: 0


<phase> bound: 1500 #phase 99
id: 0 hp: 0
when_clear_goto_phase: 90

then i chose davis, started the survival mode and pressed F5.
and at this moment i'm at stage ... let me see... nice he reached stage 5000.

EDIT: he reached 10000+
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(09-24-2008, 12:12 PM)sadbhav Wrote:  well, here's a theory (unlikely one) you can only proceed forwards without repeating only if u are using one of the 11 fighters (template included)

Your theory sounds interesting but I honestly doubt that. The when_clear_goto_phase: is way simpler :P
When you finish that phase, the number behind that term will indicate which phase you'll go next. Regardless of the character you're playing with. There's not really a way for the exe to check this (at least I doubt that this algorithm has been implemented).
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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