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strange story.
ok i mean... the goverment buy the civilian's place if there is UFO fall on there.
they buy it Coz the UFO is too heavy. they can't move it to area 51.
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snorsorbet Wrote:I have heard something known as "dark energy", which has anti gravitational properties (?).

But don't take my word too serious; I am not very sure where I heard about that stuff.
Half Life 2?
The combine-alien use "dark energy" in their citadel... or for teleportation. I think.

Anyways, I think the chance that other life forms find us isn't that low. They obviously travel in space if they are quite technologized (?). And if they have a better brain, live longer, they likely have better technologies to detect live and travel holy-poop-on-a-stick - fast, it won't be THAT unlikely they find us.
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Quote:space-time has ten dimensions
Isn't that still not proved by experiments?

Anyway, I doubt that you can use more dimensions just because you have a more effective brain. Maybe you can think more logic and babies in their specie know about the theory of relativity, but that doesn't mean that they can move and use more dimensions than us. If that would be possible, "mother nature" would probably have made some animal use it.

Quote:The last things I can think of is that we don't know how many very real chances there are that somewhere beyond our ability to scope, some new element still exist. They could be more powerful than 10 solar system combine. If the aliens can use them, light speed is no problem.
What do you mean? LIGHT SPEED? Nonono, I think that you are dreaming away a bit here. Ahem.
Quote:the mass of an object increases the faster we get. At the speed of light, our mass would be infinite, and Newton says that you need a certain force to accelerate something.

Oh, and one last thing,
Quote:Light has two properties. Some, like bending light, leaves the conclusion that it is a wave, other properties are similar to particles. In this way, light is a strange thing in between wave and particle.
Doesn't matter also have both the properties of particle and wave? For example, an electron's wave function, that allows you to calculate the probablility for an electron to be at certain places around an atom.

If you see that I am wrong, please correct me, because this is something I am really intrested in :D

@ Lauli line 1: No, not at Half Life 2, even if dad talks alot about it. I think it was some science magazine / documentary, but it could have been on the net too.
@ Lauli line 2: Nah, space is big. It would also take a very long time to travel in space, even if you travel at something almost as fast as the speed of light. They could perhaps find us in a couple of thousand years, though, and see that life exists on earth. But if the had already detected earth, the light when earth started to "live" should have reached them by now. But not travel to this place...

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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I have a better theory: nobody can live long enough or have a powerful engine to make it that far. So think about the migration. They can move from planet to planet, their ships are big enough to hold their planet's population and it can move with some thing like 2 time faster than sound speed. It can use energy from some mineral which not very rare in space but we haven't notice yet to move on. So they are like locus, move from planet to planet, and after centuries, they finally reach earth.
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Maybe they travel thorugh black holes, well I've heard this theory that black holes may be connected by wormholes or something like that towards Quasars....
Or maybe they have a technology that allows them to create warp holes or inter-dimentional travel?

In this only they can answer....
waiting for them to answer......
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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sadbhav Wrote:In this only they can answer....
waiting for them to answer......
lol, but you have a point. We cannot do anything but speculate and guess, but still, we maybe never find the right answer, and if we do, then how do we know we are correct?
*Waits for any alien to confirm*
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@ no one: I don't think that it is possible, as most of the planets out there are gas planets. And it would take longer time than centuries... Remember that the light from many places in space are still on their way to earth, and have been travelling since big bang. (Or shortly after big bang). And why having earth as destination? x_X

EDIT: Lol, 2 posts before I finished this one.
EDIT2(Below and Sadbhav): Yes, let's kill time while waiting for aliens to send some kind of signal!

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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but mean while, let's guess to kill time.

They could be close to earth but our detector device can't detect anything. And the earth destination thing, it's the planet that have multiform of species, resources, and there is a intelligence race on it.

or it could be a random choice.
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they use some technoligies (?) to open portals and go through them or teleportation
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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do you have any idea how much energy will it take to rip a tiny hole in space or to transport something complicate like a living body??? about 15 nuclear bombs
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