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Who is the best player of lf2 ever??
(12-12-2010, 09:35 AM)Nullbyte Wrote:  ahh..if u can beat 7 comps with LOUIS then i definetely want the recording..
fight should be in hk coliseum in difficult mode

Ok then i send u tommorow :D
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ok play with me.i do not have so much time in this forum but i play very well. my adress is
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(12-12-2010, 06:35 AM)Nullbyte Wrote:  btw..masterlf2,can u defeat 7 comps in crazy in hk with louis?without converting!!?
He said it´s not impossible, but not easy :/
He also says he has beaten 7 Coms at Crazy difficulty, but doesn´t remember what char he used then :/
E. But that was at the good ol´ times.

Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
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I was usually never able to (you can also read as never had enough patience to) defeat 7 computer players using specific chars and that didn't prevent me from kicking most asses in PvP. I'm forced to say this again: just because you're good at beating the computer doesn't mean you're good at beating people PvP. A good marathon runner isn't necessarily a good 100m runner.
Thanks given by: HappyHouR
(12-12-2010, 04:25 PM)Evil Sonidow Wrote:  I was usually never able to (you can also read as never had enough patience to) defeat 7 computer players using specific chars and that didn't prevent me from kicking most asses in PvP. I'm forced to say this again: just because you're good at beating the computer doesn't mean you're good at beating people PvP. A good marathon runner isn't necessarily a good 100m runner.
Agreed. Every char has different tactics in mass killing and 1 vs 1.
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
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^ It's not only about chars and tactics. Usually, good players try to screw with the opponents' minds (well, at least that comes close to what I think they do), and that works very differently than with AI (although AI is easier to beat in most cases)

Then again it fully depends on the players
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(12-12-2010, 09:35 AM)Nullbyte Wrote:  ahh..if u can beat 7 comps with LOUIS then i definetely want the recording..
fight should be in hk coliseum in difficult mode

basically he wants what i've attached, except in difficult mode.

Note @ attachment: i did that 2 years ago (check modification date), full speed (you can confirm by the number of jumps i did that aren't dashes), and it was probably easier than fighting certain players


I rofl-ed ~ Marshall

Silverthorn edited this post 12-13-2010 07:33 AM because:
I lol'd

Attached Files
.lfr   Louis 1v7 Crazy.lfr (Size: 11.82 KB / Downloads: 53)
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well azriel that was cool fight..
but yes playing 1 vs 1 and playing with comps or survival mode is different.
but yes i m not a noob at vs play... super pro actually :p - Azriel~
btw,can any one help me with using msn messenger??i want to play with mlf2
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well guys..i havent got the answer yet!!Who ISSS the best player??
did darklord ever fought with mlf2??
maybe right now mlf2 is the best player!!
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What if there is no best? Ever considered that?

What if A can beat B, B can beat C, and C can beat A? How are you going to judge who of those would be the best?
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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