08-23-2013, 10:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2013, 10:58 PM by A-Man.)
Downloading right now. Not really good at giving feedback, but I will do my best on that (in a while) .
Edit: Wow dude! That's awesome! Pretty much loved how Julian was made balanced to other characters. He is now available for you to play with without your opponent calling you a "cheater". And I gotta say that the rolling after lying move is pretty neat!
Oh well, here are some comments rather than feedback:
Davis: The character didn't change much I guess. One thing I was upset about was that the D^J special can't combo with the super punch anymore. But since it's for balancing' sake, then keep it that way. I loved the fast version of Davis though.
Woody: Never played with him that much, so I didn't notice the change. Sorry.
Dennis: I've ALWAYS agreed that this character was overpowered. Just when my brother playing Dennis is about to lose, he starts spamming his almost invincible whirl wind kick, and I am there laying dead. The thought of increasing Dennis' running speed is good since it resembles the power of his legs. Good job on balancing Dennis in general .
Freeze: Never played him that much either, but I can say that there was a bug (not sure if its really a bug) that still persists in LF2 Fanpai. When Freeze's Ice ball collides with Davis', Freeze's replicates.
Firen: Really loved that mine move. I really thought I'd see something ugly at first, but it turned out to look good! Allowing turns for the fire run makes more sense, as its no different than stopping and doing the special move again int he different direction; saves the effort of more key presses XP.
Louis: The counter attack for defend (parry?) idea is really cool! But perhaps, how about you have it PUSH the enemy further like to have some space or to unveil some pressure. UNLESS somebody really can effectively use that time to pull out a combo? I dunno, but some people here play craazy. Didn't test the other Louis as he didn't seem so interesting.
Henry: Now that was GREAT! Feels more like a skilled and a fast archer now!
The Davis Imposter: Now the idea of the character can give an awesome plot for a good story mode (hoping this modification will have one). His moves are pretty balanced, but he lacks combos as you've mentioned in the move list. I think he is as good as he is.
Firezen: Not so balanced :\. Suggestion: How about you modify his "fire/ice fountain" attack such that he starts firing the balls to lower y distance; Thus, more x-momentum and easier to dodge.
Bat: Good job on making him playable! Pretty well balanced! Suggestion: Another version of his eye-laser attack, but this time, instead of shooting straight, Bat will shoot a much short range version shooting from forward upwards. This can be the attack which knocks the opponent high up to the sky to allow combos.
Julian: Nothing to say; flawless .
Other: Loved the new opening song! Did you do that? And will you change all the old ones to match that style?
Ramond edited this post 08-24-2013 09:52 AM because:
You know, ice balls replicating when hitting energy balls (not only Davis') seriously is a feature, not a bug. :P
A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon
The opening song is a slight remix of the Competition menu from the PC Sonic 3. I found it very fitting. I don't know what I will do with the rest of the soundtrack yet.
Everybody has praised Julian as far as I know. And wait until I make his Prime to prove how I can balance out his boss status! I also have a new move in mind once I get the sprites I need for him.
Both Davis and 'Davis can combo D^J after Super Punch and Strafe, despite it working differently depending on which one you use. If you look deeper into Remake Davis, you can find some new combo options with him. Try out only pressing attack once when the opponent is stunned and see what move you can do from there.
Henry is only 95% complete, all I need is a straight shot for his backdash and he'll be done. Think of how much better he will be with that!
I'm really proud of my work with Dennis. I toned down his kicks to make them work like regular punches, but I left the two-hit dizzy to make him generally weaker. I also fixed his Hurricane infinite by giving it different properties.
I don't find Prime Louis too interesting. He's just there if you don't like what I did with Remake Louis. I'll find a way to spice him up eventually.
Parry utilizes the grab to set the opponent into a guard so Louis can break the opponent. I can easily set his position further away from him and see how that works. If you watch my Louis video a few posts up, you can see how Louis can use Parry to open the opponent up.
I don't feel Firzen is complete to be honest, but I couldn't have left him out with both Firen and Freeze in the game. I'll take anything to make him a full character. He just needs a few more special moves. Anything that would utilize his elemental powers separately would be good.
I'm really grateful The Hari helped me out with Bat. He did an AMAZING job for him so I decided to let it be known in the readme. I love your suggestion though I don't see too much use for it unless the angle would be very slight.
Anti-Davis only needs new sprites. And yes, there will be a story once I get to working on Stage mode which he will take some role in. I don't know how to do cutscenes, but the game will have a plot feel to it just from how the game will play if done right.
Thanks for your feedback. Even if you feel you didn't do too much, it still means ALOT to me!
To live a life of power, you must have faith that what you believe is right, even if others tell you you're wrong.
The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage. You must reach beyond the boundaries of time itself.
And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step...
Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others.
Well of course Bat's laser shouldn't go up to 90 degrees. And I would suggest starting on balancing the weaker minions of the game (ie: Bat (done already), Knight, Jan, Monk..etc). And for Firezen, if he is not to be balanced then just leave him out as a hidden character. I mean, after thinking about it, he IS supposed to be overpowered or no team will bother fusing their Firen and Freeze anymore. Julian can have a super tough AI to justify the fact he is the final boss, but as a player, he should be normal just the way he is right now. And for the stage mode cut scenes, you may consider using THIS for them. I never used it nor tested it, but it should make the cut scene work easier.
A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon
08-24-2013, 01:38 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 04:33 AM by Dragon5.)
I had thoughts of balancing the weaker minions, but I'd need an exceeding number of sprites to make them the quality of the LF2 characters, so I cut that out. Plans for a playable Justin character are in my notebook, but I don't have anybody or anything to sprite with for that so it will wait. I WILL balance Firzen and he will be one of the best characters in the game because of the fact you said.
Lastly, the EXE is interesting, but then I'd need to redo it to allow the new mechanics. I'll keep it in mind.
I just got Buxie's permission to use Julia, who'll be a joke Julian named June for my mod.
All sprites from the Hari have been implemented. I am making some changes to guarding and then I will release version 3.0.
With a fair bit of content I wanted done, I thought up a new tweak to an existing mechanic.
Once you block an attack, your guard was reset. While it does help minimize damage, it was still rather punishing... pointless in my opinion unless it were projectiles. I decided to make a frame where you resume guard but for a shorter period in case you receive more attacks. This has been quite an experiment. Instead of lowering it to have faster reaction, I decided to lower it slightly to prevent the elongated feel. As a trade-off, I extended the time characters stay broken for one frame.
To live a life of power, you must have faith that what you believe is right, even if others tell you you're wrong.
The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage. You must reach beyond the boundaries of time itself.
And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step...
Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others.
08-25-2013, 08:28 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 08:38 PM by Dragon5.)
I have finally finished 3.0 thanks to The Hari's sprites! Aside from updating the characters and rebalancing characters, I adjusted guarding as mentioned above. I lastly removed unused files that took up 6MB, so enjoy a smaller download as well!
To live a life of power, you must have faith that what you believe is right, even if others tell you you're wrong.
The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage. You must reach beyond the boundaries of time itself.
And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step...
Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others.
I'm just gonna preview Firen. His gameplay was inspired by Injustice with the ability to combo special move into special move. I wanted to make him have combos and thanks to Fire Mine (not actually a mine) he has better ability to do so. Another thing not shown is that he can flip out if he himself gets burned, which makes countering him pretty difficult. It's the least I can do for him right now since he only has four moves compared to the ~5 moves most characters have on here.
Prime Firen and Prime Dennis are next on my list after I finish Buxie's character.
To live a life of power, you must have faith that what you believe is right, even if others tell you you're wrong.
The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage. You must reach beyond the boundaries of time itself.
And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step...
Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others.
As I've said before, Fānpāi (翻拍) is no longer the official name right now. I had plans to use a new word, but I forgot the meaning of it (I also had the Chinese letters sideways on accident). Ever since, it has simply been Remake. A Chinese friend of mine told me the word for remake is actually 重製 (chóngzhì). This Chinese dictionary I found has both words listed as Remake. It's now debatable to me on which word to use; ever since I dropped Fānpāi, I'm not sure whether to bring it back. I made a poll for you all to decide.
News regarding to the project:
June (Julia) is mostly finished. I just need some projectile sprites modified specially for her. She is a joke character, but she still has a good punishing game if given the opportunity. She can also be dirty in group fights. Buxie put a lot of potential into Julia. I used her EX version and made a brand new playstyle out of it, although slightly limited and underpowered.
I am working on Prime Dennis now and will give Remake Dennis a move from LF2-SV. Additional perks for Prime Louis and Prime Davis are yet to be determined. Rudolf and John have some plans, but John would more likely be remade first. LouisEX is another character I hope to have some progress for the next release.
Lastly, enjoy menu screenshots with both chinese names.
To live a life of power, you must have faith that what you believe is right, even if others tell you you're wrong.
The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage. You must reach beyond the boundaries of time itself.
And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step...
Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others.
Should I go back to Fānpāi? I'm curious. I do want to, but I want other people's input. You can read the story on my previous post.
I have decided to finally work on Stage Mode. That means minor characters will finally be added. I may get Hari to do a few extra sprites for their attacks, but I do not have much plans for new moves unless people really want me to do it. It wouldn't matter much since the regular AI would now know how to do it. Stage mode WILL have a plot. I am unable to do cutscenes right now however, so it might not make much sense at first.
Stage Mode on here is going to be faster and relies more on fighting than heavy numbers. Your ability to survive is still important.
Keep in mind that this isn't the complete thing and a lot of the original Stage 1 is still present. How heavily I'll change it depends on my motivation. If anybody has a good idea for Stage 1 music, I'd be happy to listen to your suggestion. I'm having some problems with finding good music right now.
What to expect in Beta 4:
A returning Little Fighter
Two prime characters
A new character from another mod
Five minor characters
Two stages in stage mode
A new test stage
...And maybe more
To live a life of power, you must have faith that what you believe is right, even if others tell you you're wrong.
The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage. You must reach beyond the boundaries of time itself.
And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step...
Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others.
It's about time I do another update. If I were to estimate when the next release would be, it might be another month or so. Progress is rather slow with college catching up, but trust me on this: I'm packing content in as much as I can. I have no new video this time since I don't feel I've made anything worth showing off right now. The character I'm working on right now is someone I'd like to complete before making a video on. I just need one move done and then it will be presentable. I do plan to wrap up the remaining three characters (LouisEX, John, and Rudolf) and then plan on who to add next. Minor characters will also be adjusted to have some of the new mechanics as well as receive the proper tweaks for them to fit in with this mod. I don't want to make myself overambitious nor do I want to provide too little. Lastly, I think I should aim to release an early version to my friends to test out and help me get feedback. The HTML guide needs to be finished before anything else though.
New HTML guide
Wrapup of original cast
Tweaking of minor characters and their addition
To live a life of power, you must have faith that what you believe is right, even if others tell you you're wrong.
The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage. You must reach beyond the boundaries of time itself.
And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step...
Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others.
Well, with Hari leaving LFE for good right now, it's just me soloing this again. He has good reasons to leave and I hold nothing against him. Going this far alone now will NOT be easy at all...
I admit I will need help. Marti has said, "You cannot develop a good game without partners." I may be able to get the rest of the 4th release done, but I cannot do the project in its entirety alone after seeing its size.
The main help I'll need is with sprites and AI.
With sprites, I don't need too much left since the main cast is close to being finished. Aside from giving Anti-Davis a re-skin to fix his horrible sprites, there will be the tedious task of helping animate punches and weapon swings for the other 15 characters (it will only be one sprite for each action, so it's about 3-5 sprites for each). That doesn't mean that I do not need new sprites for already existing characters. I have some ideas for them All the sprites I need for this project is about 70% complete. TLGM is helping sprite a move for me, but I don't want to entirely depend on him for the rest of the sprites. Whether I'll need sprites for the new characters is yet to be determined.
AI... that's going to be fun. With over 20 characters in the cast, it's going to be a lot. However, less than half will be duplicates due to Prime characters. There's no need to fret that much. If nobody wants to help, then I'll try to do this last.
About the fourth release...
I plan to wrap up the rest of the main cast with this update. That means LouisEX, Rudolf, and John. LouisEX is almost done and Rudolf is already being planned. I am also starting work on the minor characters and planning on which new characters to add. I will say this again so nobody get a wrong idea: I will not make the minor characters full characters like I have done with the rest of the cast. However, I will try to fix them up so they look and feel better. It is too much work for me to expand on characters Marti intentionally half-made (save for Bat), and then give them new AI to utilize those abilities (It's not like I even know AI yet). I'm sorry. I will not do anything myself other than fix their data for right now.
To live a life of power, you must have faith that what you believe is right, even if others tell you you're wrong.
The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage. You must reach beyond the boundaries of time itself.
And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step...
Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others.