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The Slow Quiz

Ramond - 1337
Phil - 27
Nave - 20 (Items: 1x Item Stealer)
Blue Phoenix - 17
SirFrog - 16
Bamboori - 14
Jerkington XIII - 13
snorsorbet - 13
Reaper - 12.5
3rdEnemy - 10
blow_fly - 8 (Items: 1x Point Stealer (1))
Azriel - 7
Hacker - 6 (Items: 1x Point Booster)
Dome - 2
Kenert - 2
Lauli - 2
Magnamancy - 2
vandesdelca - 2
Alblaka - 1
Daymio - 1
skelguardian - 1

Point Stealer: Use it to steal one point from anybody else on the scoreboard.

Point Booster: Use it to make a normal question (not bonus!) worth 1.5x its original points. (You have to use this together with your answer to the same question; in case the answer is wrong the extra points stay up for grabs for other people!)

Item Stealer: Use it to steal one item from a person on the scoreboard who has more points than you.

Question 88 (2 points):
The code '88' stands for what concerning Germans?

Bonus Question 84 (4 points):
What was Spy_the_Man1993 known for at the old LFE Forums?
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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88 stands for HH which stands for argh, it hurts posting it
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"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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yea, I know, but I had to, question...

Ramond - 1337
Phil - 27
Nave - 20 (Items: 1x Item Stealer)
SirFrog - 18
Blue Phoenix - 17
Bamboori - 14
Jerkington XIII - 13
snorsorbet - 13
Reaper - 12.5
3rdEnemy - 10
blow_fly - 8 (Items: 1x Point Stealer (1))
Azriel - 7
Hacker - 6 (Items: 1x Point Booster)
Dome - 2
Kenert - 2
Lauli - 2
Magnamancy - 2
vandesdelca - 2
Alblaka - 1
Daymio - 1
skelguardian - 1

Point Stealer: Use it to steal one point from anybody else on the scoreboard.

Point Booster: Use it to make a normal question (not bonus!) worth 1.5x its original points. (You have to use this together with your answer to the same question; in case the answer is wrong the extra points stay up for grabs for other people!)

Item Stealer: Use it to steal one item from a person on the scoreboard who has more points than you.

Question 89 (2 points):
How many songs can you learn on the ocarina in "Ocarina of Time"?

Bonus Question 84 (4 points):
What was Spy_the_Man1993 known for at the old LFE Forums?
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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7 normal songs..
6 warp songs..
makes 13 songs in total.. if its wrong, then i can say "At least i tried to save my place"
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
Thanks given by:
And that is correctimundo

Ramond - 1337
Phil - 29
Nave - 20 (Items: 1x Item Stealer)
SirFrog - 18
Blue Phoenix - 17
Bamboori - 14
Jerkington XIII - 13
snorsorbet - 13
Reaper - 12.5
3rdEnemy - 10
blow_fly - 8 (Items: 1x Point Stealer (1))
Azriel - 7
Hacker - 6 (Items: 1x Point Booster)
Dome - 2
Kenert - 2
Lauli - 2
Magnamancy - 2
vandesdelca - 2
Alblaka - 1
Daymio - 1
skelguardian - 1

Point Stealer: Use it to steal one point from anybody else on the scoreboard.

Point Booster: Use it to make a normal question (not bonus!) worth 1.5x its original points. (You have to use this together with your answer to the same question; in case the answer is wrong the extra points stay up for grabs for other people!)

Item Stealer: Use it to steal one item from a person on the scoreboard who has more points than you.

Question 90 (3 points):
What's the first derivation for (x^3)/(x²+x-6)

Bonus Question 84 (4 points):
What was Spy_the_Man1993 known for at the old LFE Forums?
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
Thanks given by:
bah.. make your homework on your own..
x^4 + 2x^3 - 18x^2 / x^4 + 2x^3 - 11x^2 - 12x + 36

hope it is right.. i put effort into that one.. so yea..
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
Thanks given by:
definitely 7.
i hope this wont be trashed :D
Thanks given by:
^ i think somebody missed something :p
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
Thanks given by:
Phil, you forgot some brackets :P

Otherwise, it would be correct......
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Thanks given by:
still counts

Ramond - 1337
Phil - 32
Nave - 20 (Items: 1x Item Stealer)
SirFrog - 18
Blue Phoenix - 17
Bamboori - 14
Jerkington XIII - 13
snorsorbet - 13
Reaper - 12.5
3rdEnemy - 10
blow_fly - 8 (Items: 1x Point Stealer (1))
Azriel - 7
Hacker - 6 (Items: 1x Point Booster)
Dome - 2
Kenert - 2
Lauli - 2
Magnamancy - 2
vandesdelca - 2
Alblaka - 1
Daymio - 1
skelguardian - 1

Point Stealer: Use it to steal one point from anybody else on the scoreboard.

Point Booster: Use it to make a normal question (not bonus!) worth 1.5x its original points. (You have to use this together with your answer to the same question; in case the answer is wrong the extra points stay up for grabs for other people!)

Item Stealer: Use it to steal one item from a person on the scoreboard who has more points than you.

Question 91 (3 points):
What kind of tree would you climb if it was the last chance to evacuate planet Earth before it is recycled?

Bonus Question 84 (4 points):
What was Spy_the_Man1993 known for at the old LFE Forums?
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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