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Ramond's RPG Adventure v2.0
sirFrog go for the club 1 guy first.. he is the one who attacks next.. and the rest of you guys should attack the other club ones.. except me and bamboori..
in my turn i will attack elite goblin 3
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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SirFrog defends!

Goblin (Club) 1 (?? ATK) attacks Drahcir (37 DEF)! (HIT Roll: 15, DMG Roll: 1)
He deals 0 physical damage!

Goblin (Club) 2 (?? ATK) attacks sadbhav (28 DEF)! (HIT Roll: 19, DMG Roll: 3)
He deals 6 physical damage!

Goblin (Club) 3 (?? ATK) attacks Nave (20 DEF)! (HIT Roll: 20, DMG Roll: 3)
He deals 14 physical damage!

Drahcir - HP: 92/105, MP: 6/10 (1x LoH left)
Bamboori - HP: 47/81, MP: 0/4 (Arrows: 5)
SirFrog - HP: 37/56, MP: 31/63 (defend)
Blue Phoenix - HP: 0/49, MP: 5/7
sadbhav - HP: 46/105, MP: 3/3
Phil - HP: 70/83, MP: 4/4
Nave - HP: 50/69, MP: 45/67+4

Goblin 1 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin 2 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin 3 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin 4 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin 5 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin 6 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin (Club) 1 - HP: ??/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin (Club) 2 - HP: ??/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin (Club) 3 - HP: ??/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin (Knife) 1 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin (Knife) 2 - HP: ??/??, MP: ?/?
Elite Goblin 1 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Elite Goblin 2 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Elite Goblin 3 - HP: ?/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin Leader - HP: 0/???, MP: ?/?


Drahcir is the next one to act with 27 AGI!
Nave is the next one to act with 26 AGI!
sadbhav is the next one to act with 12 AGI!
Bamboori is the next one to act with 42 AGI!
Phil is the next one to act with 39 AGI!

Attack: Physically attacks an enemy of your choice.
Special Attack: You can choose between various attacks. All of them have something special. Costs MP.
Spell: You can choose a spell you've learned and cast it. Costs MP.
Item: You can use an item. You can also change your weapon, shield or accessoir, but only one piece at most.
Defend: Increases the chance of avoiding the next attack on you for a round.
Escape: You can escape the battle if everybody else from your team does that and your total AGI is higher than the enemies'.

Book of Knowledge

It's midday. (12:48 PM)
The sun is brilliantly hovering high in the sky.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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Holy bolt on Elite Goblin 3

@sadbhav, I know you got yellow hp's, but it's still enough to survive 2 or 3 rounds, I'll heal ya next time if you've lower hps
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sadbhav's last visit was September 17th.. I might replace him sometime...
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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* Drahcir bashes the first Club Goblin in the head.

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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Drahcir (51 ATK) attacks Drahcir (?? DEF)! (HIT Roll: 17, DMG Roll: 7)
He deals 45 physical damage!

Nave casts Bolt of Light (25 light DMG) (-8 MP) on Elite Goblin 3 (?? MDF)! (DMG Roll: 6)
He deals 20 light damage!
Elite Goblin 3 collapses! (EXP +31)

sadbhav (60 ATK) attacks Goblin (Knife) 2 (?? DEF)! (HIT Roll: 11)
He misses!

Bamboori (49+10 ATK) attacks (-1 Arrow) Goblin (Knife) 2 (?? DEF)! (HIT Roll: 12, DMG Roll: 10+3, CRI Roll: 7)
He deals 46 physical damage and 4 magical damage!
Goblin (Knife) 2 collapses! (EXP +21)

Phil (47|4710 ATK) attacks Goblin (Club) 2 (?? DEF)! (HIT Roll: 14|2, DMG Roll: 8|6)
He deals 42 physical damage!
He deals 40 physical damage!
Goblin (Club) 2 collapses! (EXP +18)

Drahcir - HP: 92/105, MP: 6/10 (1x LoH left)
Bamboori - HP: 47/81, MP: 0/4 (Arrows: 4)
SirFrog - HP: 37/56, MP: 35/63+4
Blue Phoenix - HP: 0/49, MP: 5/7
sadbhav - HP: 46/105, MP: 3/3
Phil - HP: 70/83, MP: 4/4
Nave - HP: 50/69, MP: 37/67

Goblin 1 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin 2 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin 3 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin 4 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin 5 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin 6 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin (Club) 1 - HP: ??/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin (Club) 2 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin (Club) 3 - HP: ??/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin (Knife) 1 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin (Knife) 2 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Elite Goblin 1 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Elite Goblin 2 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Elite Goblin 3 - HP: 0/??, MP: ?/?
Goblin Leader - HP: 0/???, MP: ?/?


SirFrog is the next one to act with 30 AGI!

Attack: Physically attacks an enemy of your choice.
Special Attack: You can choose between various attacks. All of them have something special. Costs MP.
Spell: You can choose a spell you've learned and cast it. Costs MP.
Item: You can use an item. You can also change your weapon, shield or accessoir, but only one piece at most.
Defend: Increases the chance of avoiding the next attack on you for a round.
Escape: You can escape the battle if everybody else from your team does that and your total AGI is higher than the enemies'.

Book of Knowledge

It's midday. (12:50 PM)
The sun is brilliantly hovering high in the sky.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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ramond Wrote:Drahcir (51 ATK) attacks Drahcir (?? DEF)!
had to lol at that Xd

in my turn ill do a regular attack on one of the remaining goblins (dont care who of them)
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go for goblin club 1!!!
you can't kill them with one attack like i do.. so you take the weak one out..
and i finish the last one.. THATS AN ORDER!!!

going for club3 guy next
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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if (Goblin(Club)#1.alive == true){
else if (Goblin(Club)#3.alive == true){
else {
Say("Whohoo! We won! Yahahoooo!!!!");
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Bash whoever has lower hp when my turn comes round.

LFE Forum Rules (Click to View)
Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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