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why we cant see who voted? WHY ITS KEPT SECRET? we should know who wants it to be closed and who wants to keep it alive?
and what reason made you to do such thing, simoneon?
p.s congratz on ban expiration day :)

jeez, calm your nice body:)
I was asking what was the reason for this poll, not banning-.-
the only one not calm here is not me - Simoneon
so, you are ginger? so I have friend who is ginger and fun, if they dont have souls, but they have a good heard and good humor sense;)

Feel free to pm if you want to say in private:)

Simoneon edited this post 05-27-2013 05:39 PM because:
who banned me? was it you? these punks will pay :(
I don't see a reason why you should see who thinks that I'm a ginger, thus it should be kept as a secret. Fun fact: I didn't even consider that option was available :p
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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fairly big possible pagestretch (Click to View)
I thought this was pretty awesome.
Thanks given by: Gespenst , ossiee , Marko
[Image: tumblr_inline_mngzi4ja4D1qz4rgp.jpg]
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
Thanks given by: Ariel
[Image: 485527_520684284645996_1209594365_n.jpg]
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: Marko
[Image: 907_10151458583787807_1208286293_n.jpg]
>Lithuanian flag colours on his hat.

Lithuanians are too cool for this planet.
Thanks given by: Gespenst
i like how somin, practically got totally ignored :) :)
go on people! You RAWK!
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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Simon is like a black ginger dot that popped out of nowhere on an all white background in this situation.
Thanks given by: Gespenst
[Image: tumblr_m9a4ioPDLZ1r1nmpao1_500.gif]
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: LutiChris , Bamboori , Dr. Time
[Image: 180797_v0_460x.gif]
[Image: 180776_v0_460x.jpg]
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BROFIST ...........
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[Image: tumblr_mngd68GjXH1ql2603o1_500.jpg]
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
Thanks given by: Gespenst , Marko

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