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Alectric's later sprites
Any chance you could make Duck King?
Ya' know this guy:
[Image: Duck.gif]
Look him up on Google i am sure they're are loads of his pictures. :)


Alectric edited this post 09-10-2010 12:53 PM because:
Lol sure, why not :P
Thanks given by: Hey, I was wondering if you can make something scary like the Slenderman (Images in link provided.) I would bow down to you FOREVER if you made him.
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^i think i made a sprite like that was some tree guy and he had a tie. Ill see if i can track him down.

And ill get around to spriting Duck king some day soon :P Mohawks take a lot more perseverance.

[Image: tehguyz.png]
Prince_freeza and i were having our sprite session, and we decided we wanted to do a char with a fro. (guy on the right)
Im not happy with my sprite, i've done quite a lot of things that i spent ages practicing not to do :P I must be rusty.

The purple guy is a concept sprite that was for the hunter sprite theme. (guy on left)

at least (i think) the guy on the right has better proportions than my usual sprites, but i cant shake giving them 'fat' heads.
Please critique :)
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The purple guy has a strange proportions, because well, the legs look a bit too short, or is it just me.
The guy on the right is perfect in proportions, and great shading. No more comment.
[Image: abstractdaad.png]
Graphic Stuff|Tania|Indo Fighter|Sprites|Comics|
News of my days: My graphics skills will go better. Eventually...
Thanks given by: Alectric
(09-27-2010, 09:15 AM)Alectric Wrote:  at least (i think) the guy on the right has better proportions than my usual sprites, but i cant shake giving them 'fat' heads.
Please critique :)

You said it, he has, indeed, better proportions that your usual sprites. Although the fro is not really visible and requires more curly than straight brush strokes (maybe longer strokes as well?).

The caped guy looks really interesting, very capturing pose. Nice work!
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Thanks given by: Alectric
yea like you said man this is you best sprite in lf2 proportions so far. and i see you failed at the fro part as well :D but no worries man it still looks awesome. atm i am looking at his hair as if it was a spickey kind of hair not a fro. also i want to ask. was the base perspective intentional?? i mean yea it looks lf2 styled but his body is facing us directly. i just wanna know did you do that on purpose or what? cuz if its not try working on the perspective next time cuz that the only thing this sprite is missing other than that looks good.
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
Thanks given by: Alectric
I was experimenting lately to see if i could implement some of the new stuff i learnt into my sprites.
I drew the first yesterday, and the second today. This is mainly an attempt to get noticed by HQ :P (hi, been a long time since i last saw you :P)

[Image: strangeface.png][Image: awesomesauceexpreiment.png]

The first sprite had a few inspirations from places (mainly Full metal alchemist) and the second one was an experiment that turned out better than expected (i was trying to make a lf2-real life proportions cross over, i hope i succeeded, because im quite happy with it, though his face is strange for some reason)

Also, i keep trying to implement necks into the sprites now, so hopefully thats an improvement on my previous lot.
Im having a little trouble with nice hair styles and lf2-styled eyes, but ill get re-used to it.

If you are going to C&C, please be nit-picking, even though it will annoy me, i want to get as much as i can right.
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(11-13-2010, 05:03 AM)Alectric Wrote:  I was experimenting lately to see if i could implement some of the new stuff i learnt into my sprites.
I drew the first yesterday, and the second today. This is mainly an attempt to get noticed by HQ :P (hi, been a long time since i last saw you :P)

[Image: strangeface.png][Image: awesomesauceexpreiment.png]

The first sprite had a few inspirations from places (mainly Full metal alchemist) and the second one was an experiment that turned out better than expected (i was trying to make a lf2-real life proportions cross over, i hope i succeeded, because im quite happy with it, though his face is strange for some reason)

Also, i keep trying to implement necks into the sprites now, so hopefully thats an improvement on my previous lot.
Im having a little trouble with nice hair styles and lf2-styled eyes, but ill get re-used to it.

If you are going to C&C, please be nit-picking, even though it will annoy me, i want to get as much as i can right.

I like both of these no comments hair style is vgood and shading is also Well keep it up:D
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(11-13-2010, 05:03 AM)Alectric Wrote:  I drew the first yesterday, and the second today. This is mainly an attempt to get noticed by HQ.

Don't we all?

The sprites are quite good,not the best from you,the muscle guy has good clothing folds,but the face seems a bit weird.The jacket guy has a great style,but on his t-shirt the shading is not that good.

all in all,9/10.
Feel free to check out My Sprites
"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
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Love those cloth folds all over the place. If you want a more lf2 style though, (try to) reduce it.
no comments on the first sprite.
Second sprite though, has some flaws. His right (in our view) should be more towards the edge, as most lf2 chars face the right. the legs also need to be a bit longer. everything else is perfectly fine.
[Image: abstractdaad.png]
Graphic Stuff|Tania|Indo Fighter|Sprites|Comics|
News of my days: My graphics skills will go better. Eventually...
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