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Help! Invisible character like Rudolf?
Hey guys. I need to know how to let a character have skill that is like
Rudolf that makes him go "boof" and gone.

I examine the data file for some time and still don't get the idea of how it works. So please please please someone tell me in a straight-forward

To prove that I'm not being lazy and actually doing research.
I know that when Rudolf activates the invisible move, he
goes into the hand-sign weaving image (85 and 84) and loop back and forth for sometime, then use Opoint (I need a detailed explanation for this tag) to summon some smokes (I think) from Henry_Wind.dat file.
Then what? How does he go invisible? And how do I control
when and how he returns?

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look at Rudolf's state in those frame, it use a special state.
the state itself is designed to reappear the character for a period of time...
hope this help
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Sorry, you'll have to bare with me.
What is state 15 and 3001 for?
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[mainsite t0 page]
scroll to the Frame Header part, the next: tag

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Ah.. I see. Is there a way to let the character appear only after, hmm..
let say an object is destroyed?
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ah, oh yes, sorry... i'm misunderstanding, lol.
mods, pls delete that one. XD
Azriel's right, it's on the "next : xxxx" tag...

@Up : that'd be impossible with normal DC...
altough you use special body in your character, it won't work bcus it's in disappearing state...
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Think he means like after destroying an object (e.g box) the char reappears...
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yes, that's impossible...(maybe)
even tho you use special body, it won't work bcus ur character is in disappearing state...
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It does work.
It's somewhat tricky, however:

With your move, you spawn the object (i will call it "box"). As long as the boy is on the field, every few frames (like ~100) it will opoint a special bdy (T0) teleporting to your position (itr/kind:8, and YES, itr/kind:8s DO work on invisible characters). Then you add some itr/kind:8's in all basic frames of your char, which will react to that special body, sending him to an invisibility-state again.
If the box is hit, it will disappear.

As long as the boy is on the field, the character will constantly refresh his invisibility. Once the box is destroyed he will appear again.

I would also recommend adding a fake beacon (T0 without bdy) for the box... otherwise the move will be completely imba against CPUs, since they wouldn't attack the box (T3) intentionally and would allow the char to stay invisible infinitely.
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Thanks given by: Bamboori
Thanks! You guys never cease to amaze me.
One problem, the "box" you mentioned disappeared too, along with my character.
Did I do something wrong?
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