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Alectric's later sprites
The shirt and arms of the of the guy inspired by real-life proportions is absolutely awesome. The pants look a bit flat for some reason, and there's also something up with his face as you said.

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
Thanks given by: Alectric
nice subtle but pronounced chest muscles along with natural folds of the shirt

can't pinpoint what's wrong with the face, but the legs are a bit short
you don't want to see this (Click to View)
avatar by Una
the other by xFire
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excuse my speeling...
When applying wrinkles you rly hafta nail each ending with a smooth finnish, sometimes when u have too many it'll look bad. I also notice that you really should use contrast the lights from darks, it's fairly noticable but faids...idk just bothers meh, they should both stand out 30 value pts. away :P
i really like the 2nd one, for some odd reason
as snor mentioned already, even though it does not have the LF2 proportions it still has human proportions...
you really need to apply the 2nd chest wit the 1st...
also need to work on facial expressions since they generally looks the same as ur previous... :P
idk how to tell u how to fix the faces but experimenting, usually enlarging the sprite will help you... ;)
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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Thanks for the advice, ill keep practicing :P
I agree with the contrast of the colours, but i was trying to experiment so it was on purpose.
Also, im fixing the face for the second one, and now the legs. I think i need to look up the proportions of legs, as the lower and upper leg look the same on my sprites.
But as i said, this was an experimental sprite between human and Lf2 proportions, so the legs are probably like that :P

Anyway, if anyone is interested, i painted this base first.
[Image: baseu.png] >> [Image: awesomesauceexpreiment.png]
Feel free to use, but please show a little credit.
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Wow wow wow. Great foldings. Really looks natural. Looks humanly. Nice Shape of chest , shoulders etcetera. I like the hair btw.
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I just discovered paint tool Sai. Its frikin epic for drawing and things.
i was messing around in it and thought "hey, why dont i try an LF2 sprite?"
then i was all like "ZOMG, this is so easy and it is so much quicker than photoshop"
[Image: newguy.png]

The colours are a little bright because im still Getting used to the colour pallate selector thing.

Its a nifty little program, especially if you have a tablet. Its used for drawing, as it doesnt have special effects selection or blending options
check it out yo

Also, one more surprise(not made with SAI)
[Image: druids.png]
some concepts

Even thuogh i really like SAI, photoshop is my main program.

Marshall edited this post 11-23-2010 01:44 AM because:
both of the two concepts look great. the list of full characters I want to see from you is growing. Action please
Thanks given by: prince_freeza , LutiChris , Apocalipsis
its like your spriting got improved into a whole new level in no time, great job man
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
Thanks given by: Alectric
Gonna try out Sai now,hope it's good,Photoshop still will fulfill all of my spriting needs.

To the sprites:
The first one has good proportions but it does look a little blurry compared to lf2 sprites.
The second ones are really good,though they don't make sense,I guess that is why they are concepts.

Your spriting has improved a lot since your beginning and it will keep on improving.
Feel free to check out My Sprites
"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
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Yea, I heard about SAI too (It's in Japanese! yeeep!), gotta try it out then >_>
about your SAI sprite, the colours are fine, they suit the LF2 colour schemes. The right hand looks a bit awkward though. Either make it round like normal LF2 sprites or make the non-thumb fingers (>.>) thinner.
Doesn't make sense? PM me.
I love those sprite concepts, they look Japanese IMO (yea, I associate gold and black with Japan, how weird :D), though the second sprite's neck is way too long.
[Image: abstractdaad.png]
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News of my days: My graphics skills will go better. Eventually...
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Love the right concept sprite, it looks like some kind of chancellor or the like. Possibly a court wizard or so. Please make him to have some awesome magic attacks or hidden weapons in that robe.

Also, that concept LF2/human proportions sprite has a bit too short legs. The distance from the heel to the groin should be almost the same as the distance between groin and top of the skull. I'm well aware that that isn't the case in LF2, but on such a realistic sprite it looks weird.
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Thanks given by: Alectric

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