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Mine's Sprites
Clothes, as in something you wear, so he's wearing leaves. I didn't mean the fabric.
Thanks given by: betitngoan
a bit too complicated really. It's your first character and you will need a whole sheet of the intricate leaves and patterns. As betit said, start with something with a simpler design.
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Thanks given by: Eddie
Remember, you can always build the character as a test or v1.0 in a far more simple design, then go over it in future with a more exotic/extravagant design, providing the spriting skills are consistantly improving.

It's like this:

Start off with just simple green/khaki/brown trousers/shorts/clothes.
Move on to add details to the trousers/shorts/clothes.
Practise creating the shapes and colours of leaves.
Create a leafy texture over the existing clothes of the character.

It's about building up from a single point to a far more advanced point later on. Stepping stones on the way to greatness is the way forwards.

Hope this helps you think rationally,

One day, I shall become, TUTORIAL-MAN: Superhero of writing overly long, overly annoying tutorials which most people probably won't read, but will give it a stab at the first 5 lines!
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Yay. Thanks guys. Eddie and Marshall, that was a really great idea. Thanks a lot.
Made a new simple (?) sprite. :P :
[Image: bpk2lv8ma70sv7r5u.png]
If the pic looks damaged, lemme know it.
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Those sleeves (are they made of leaves) look out of place, as if they are not attached to the shirt. You should try to add more detail on the shirt and pants, a few wrinkles here and there, makes it look more natural. For the hair, the spikes shouldn't have one complete highlight stuck to each other, makes the hair look flat on the side. Change the perspective, the hair looks like it's shaded from the top.
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i actually quite like the shirt (or more like the chest). To make the leaves blend rather than sticking out in a bad way, you can probably change the colour of the shirt. proportions seems a lot better than your other sprites, but the hair looks like a star fish
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[Image: bpla9bgll1tizqtsl.jpg]
I have decided to include teh leaves in ver 2.0 :P.
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Don't save it as a JPG,it ruins it,
The hair looks better,there should be more hair below the ear,
Shading is quite simple,Arms look quite thick as well,
I'd say 7/10.
Feel free to check out My Sprites
"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
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[Image: bplaokmlvqyvl8g2d.png] Nao? Ok, what do u mean by simple?
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I think I should give a visual example:
[Image: 2db5tzq.png]
Feel free to check out My Sprites
"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
Thanks given by: prince_freeza

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