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[char] PhantomX
Me and FirePower are working on a new char called PhantomX we're
ok with the sprites but need help with the DC

Here are a few screenshots
[Image: attack1t.png]
Made by FirePower

[Image: 84089455.png]
Made By FirePower and Me :D
It looks a little in random order but guess what it is!
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The lightning and the red aura on his hand will look crappy ingame, since it's blurred too much.
The char sprites are pretty basic, needs more shading, etc.

I like the overall design, but what's with his face? Is it covered with something or is it "hidden in shadows"?
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Let's clariy it again: These are NOT screenshots.
What you posted are SPRITES.
Sprites != Screenshots

This isn't something bad, but please do never mistake screenshots with sprites. It's the reason later character releases only contain sprites, but no screenshots whatsoever (which would be against the rules).

It's not Lf2 styled and it (in all honesty) doesn't look that great. Though it's probably clearly better then the thing i would draw.
However, you made a BIG mistake by just adding some red brush/spray/whatever into the sprites. In game, they will be displayed like
[Image: 168cqj6.jpg]
You may didn't know, but LF2 only recognizes 0/0/0 (aka "true") black pixels as transparent... Adding random brushes causes the black to become "slightly red" thus not transparent anymore.
Hope you got some back-ups of the sprite, because it's quite impossible to remove that kind of brush once you have added it and it WILL look crappy in-game ^^
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Thanks given by: Divisor , LutiChris , Taniaetc
At divisor his face is covered in a ninja mask
and Albaka I know about the pure black pixels we were planning to remove it later and thanks for the tips oh and one last thing we didn't add a lot of shadows because his mutated arm is glowing as bright as the sun
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So what do you want to help DC ?
Have u thought the movies?

I may help you at DC.(But I am no so good at sprites)
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D^J slice tornado ( he jumps up and creates a tornado that burns who ever touches it
and D>A an unstopable ball
and that is it for now oh and pls send us more sugestions
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to make unstopable ball you shoud use state 3006 at ball(like henry_arrow2).
to make tornado use frames of freeze's tornado and use at them effect 3 (which burn)
I am thinking for ideas.
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(01-21-2011, 09:59 PM)ICE NEBULA Wrote:  and Albaka I know about the pure black pixels we were planning to remove it later and thanks for the tips
Good luck with that, you're gonna need it.
(01-21-2011, 09:59 PM)ICE NEBULA Wrote:  oh and one last thing we didn't add a lot of shadows because his mutated arm is glowing as bright as the sun
Nice excuse, but still shade will look much better.

Thanks given by: Alblaka
(01-21-2011, 10:19 PM)empirefantasy Wrote:  to make tornado use frames of freeze's tornado and use at them effect 3 (which burn)

And don't forget to switch the itr/kind back to 0.
Freeze's whirlwind has an 14er-itr (or something similar) that will otherwise ignore effect: 3 ^^
My Creations: (Click to View)

Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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Yes it is true.

I have a idea: a firewall.
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