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Mine's Sprites
looks nice, unless ur going for that look, the ultra bright saturation is kinda distracting, but if you want that look then i looks great. reminds me of crono from chronotrigger
[Image: 3rdslim.jpg]
[Image: DAslim.jpg]
[Image: Rocky.jpg]
[Image: Clidebanner.jpg]

Thanks given by: Bamboori , Taniaetc
Okay, am disappoint... :( Some one must reply for this.

Okay, as we all must know, heads are basically a measuring unit of body. A normal human has an average of 8 heads height. But, This proportions are made by freeza, so A big thanks to him. I will prob explain more if u find this helpful. And, btw, i used 4 heads height. And, the body placements are as the below pic.

[Image: bqapzqbos3e9fjnvq.png]

[Image: bqaqnwz44hddqcr6u.png] Fixed arms.

Thanks given by: Wiro
ear needs to be lowered a bit and the head needs to be a bit taller, as no one rly has that small of a head...imo
u don't hafta listen to me, it just bothers me if u wanna be technical with it...
it's gonna be covered with hair anyways, so i wouldn't rly worry too much about it...
i use 3 heads of height (hair included with head) hope that helps in some way...
hmmm...well u know whut measure ur drawing 9cm x 9cm
then have 3 seperate lines (head) (body) (legs)
scan and draw over ur sketched outline...
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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Well, i know that luit ;) U taught me already . :P . Anyways, its completely made in PC. Completely by own. Except the concept which i got from freeza's. If more than 3 peeps approves this, i gonna explain it a bit more. (Hybrid style (me n freeza well, mostly his) . So, apart from Luti's it has some thing diff right? So, i gotta need approvals to explain. I simply can't waste time...)
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here is my "general base" i always use it when i make a full char... 1- cuz i really like that standing pose 2- so is becomes obvious who made the char :P

[Image: sgeneralbase.png]
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
Thanks given by: Alectric , Wiro , MnM
Pretty good base prince,is it easy to make new moves using this base?
Feel free to check out My Sprites
"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
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(01-21-2011, 06:25 PM)chase123 Wrote:  Pretty good base prince,is it easy to make new moves using this base?
No? Maybe breathing etc. But if you want to make a new move, you have to change almost every part of the base.
Say if i´m wrong.
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
Thanks given by: LutiChris , prince_freeza
If you're wondering about bases, i pretty much sprite a new base for every sprite.
It can be time consuming, but it keeps the chars looking different.

All you really need to do for your base is make the hands look like hands, because as of now, they are just a ball.
Perhaps making the shading outline some of the bodies features too would be nice, like chest and muscles (dont over do it)

or you could completely disregard my advice and make up a completely new and original style yo!
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Okies, Just tried to compress details. C&C are welcome.
[Image: br23f75gm83t167xd.png]
the pant folds are weird?
Note: I will be inactive for few days (or even months cause of my exams) .

@Marshall : Sometimes, it is the opposite way :P .

Marshall edited this post 02-17-2011 03:26 PM because:
legs are too short
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Cause of complete boredom , I decided not to continue the old one. I made a new concept . I tried to capture apoc's proportion . I dunno how much percentage of success i have achieved but.. Here u go..

[Image: br602nbfpxteup6e9.jpg]

Excluding this and the previous one, can any one spot which are the things i forgot to upload in the first page?
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