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Alectric's later sprites
i have just found some short cuts in sai tool:

ctrl+alt + hold ur mouse and drag it left or right to resize the brush .
alt = color select
ctrl + click and drag or mess around to move object.

PS: mine is sai v.1.10 english. Dunno about other versions.
Thanks given by: Bamboori
yeah, pretty much the same as photoshop.

also pressing [ and ] changes the brush size much easier. (in photoshop too)
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[Image: somechick.png] [Image: wasp.png] [Image: awesomface.png]

These are random terrible sprites, but i guess this thread needed a little update or whatever. Dont know why i made them either.
Thanks given by: LutiChris , betitngoan
F: legs a bit thick. Does not match with the rest of the physique. Love the school girl theme though
M: hair is a bit explosive even by super saiyajin standards. I should say it's a bit imbalanced, you get this fluffy top, then all ends rather abruptly towards the end / back of the neck. Amazing shirt though, totally digging it
you don't want to see this (Click to View)
avatar by Una
the other by xFire
Thanks given by: LutiChris , Alectric
I do like the face picture, but he looks like he is in a bad mood and very tired (which might be the reason for his mood :D).
Other than that I aggree to everything what Marshall has said. Great shirt design for the middle sprite. Legs feel a bit short, though (or the shirt too long?).

Silverthorn edited this post 01-11-2011 03:57 PM because:
heh, my general facial expression from Monday to Friday (inclusive) :p
Thanks given by: Alectric
This is the sprite i mentioned in the COntest thread that i just finished, by myself, so i cant enter it, FFFFUUUUU
[Image: largem.png]
Btw, its a face mask.

This was completely drawn in grey scale, then coloured using a variety of blending layers.

Comments & Critique welcome.
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really really well done there alec, i seriously like yor current shading style. but is it just me or her left arm (our perspective) is juuust a bit short? imagine if she put it down then will look shorter than the other arm.

"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
Thanks given by: Alectric , LutiChris
Damn bunch of details alec-trick...great job
on my way browsing devian-tart i happened to find a remarkable resemblance, check it out
pagestretch (Click to View)
i know it's a bit side-tracked from the discussion but it just reminded me of ur sprite
9.7/10 for outstanding craftmanship and fine detail...aside from a few proportional mishaps

V) noobish? how bout Alectric's Random Awesome Sprites

Alectric edited this post 02-08-2011 12:48 AM because:
Yeah, i've had that artist on my watch list for ages now ;D
Wish they'd make a tutorial for those.
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
Thanks given by: Alectric
That mask sprite is cool, but maybe the shoes should be of equal length?
And change ´´just some random sprites´´ to smthing more cool, atm it makes me think that this is some noob´s sprite thread D:

Alectric edited this post 02-08-2011 12:49 AM because:
Shoes are meant to be different lengths
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
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I think this is a great sprite u have ever made. If i am not wrong, this is same pose made by sieg in a contest O.o . This perfectly resembles to it. Also, u have proved that how simple designs are best suited than extravagance . hats off. And, i am not good at rating things >_< ,.

Suggestions : Her hair at the backside which is visible to us can have streaks of lines. Her Right hand needa have thumbs or u can just nevermind these comments.
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