(03-22-2011, 04:24 PM)lf2saga Wrote: (03-21-2011, 12:53 PM)Nullbyte Wrote: i wanted to know how and when lfe started and how it bcame so poPular...
Who said that this website is popular??? If this site is popular then facebook, yahoo and google must be the first words taught to every baby. LOL
This site has 142,558 and Google has 1st. 142,557 more sites which are more better than this, so how can you say this site is popular.
rofl, you want to get it wrong right? I made a mistake within the domain - I should have used lf2-empire.de and not lf-empire.de as domain - why? well, google like it if keywords are in the domain, and lf2 would be my keyword - but lf isnt a keyword and empire isnt one, too - so bad for me, but at the time when i created the side i didnt know about those facts.
So lucky for lf2-global and all the other sh**** fansides which have lf2 in the domain.
But after a few years i think this community is lucky that we dont have lf2 in the domain - why? well, every stupid noob can google for lf2 and find forums where he can spam. LFE is official fansite with link on lf2.net - we get visitors from there and a bit from google and crossreferences, so at least from guys which arent 100% noobs, just 99% and less
and popular - well, you might not think it is popular, i think it is in the lf2 world