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A Little Fighter game with more characters. Please read.
Hello, all my friends. I released a LF2 game with new characters and also the old ones change some of their moves too. Some of the characters have an advantage, example: Julian can revive himself with a special move, BloodKahn(NEW)can use strafe 3 or 4 times on the enemies without falling down...;)You can download it at "" or "".
Feel free to ask me about the game anytime.:D
Additional thanks to BP(Blue Phoenix).
Special thanks to Marti and Starsky wong.
Here are the screenshots.;)
This place motivates me to become an artist, this place motivates me to learn coding, this place made me grow up, showed me the ways to interact with people. Unlike the old childish of me myself, I've learned a lot and gotten some experiences. For me, it's not just a fan forum, it's a helpful community. From a noob to someone who would think before he speaks, looking back at my old post made me laugh hard, I'm grateful of the differences between these 2 years.
~Thank You All and Farewell
~Goodbye, LFE.
RIP - 14/04/2014
Thanks given by: Powerful dragon
Hey Dude Whenever You Release or present the mod you should atleast post some screenies.
And Plz DON'T Give the link unless you have shown us something and we don't know what it is containing and will result to lower bandwidth.
Plz Keep This In Mind.
@everyone being paranoid enough to expsect another collection of leeched characters (like me):
I've checked the files, looks like a couple of new chars with a few moves, using basic (or slightly recolored) sprites. Couldn't find something leeched.

edit: To clarify stuff: Basied on 80% of the sprites being plane basic ones, i didn't really feel motivated to test the mod. I've only checked sprites and a few dat-files.
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Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

Thanks given by: Divisor
(04-25-2011, 04:16 PM)Alblaka Wrote:  @everyone being paranoid enough to expsect another collection of leeched characters (like me):
I've checked the files, looks like a couple of new chars with a few moves, using basic (or slightly recolored) sprites. Couldn't find something leeched.

Can You Rate It Like Is It Having Good Chars. ?
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(04-25-2011, 02:48 PM)Hero destroyer Wrote:  Hello, all my friends. I released a LF2 game with new characters and also the old ones change some of their moves too. Some of the characters have an advantage, example: Julian, BloodKahn(NEW).... ;)You can download it at "" or "".
I will show the screenshots later.:D
Feel free to ask me about the game anytime.

if sprites is recoloured then characters need to call not new,just custom.Do you get it Hero destroyer?Whats game story its "new",or its just bit remaded,all stages just bit edited (bg,coming enemys and etc) or it's original? (don't think im angry,mad or whatever it's called,because if you say "new" its got to by not just moves,its have to by and sprites)
Troll mode activated TwistedDemonEvil
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Pressed The Agreed Button!
And Hero Destroyer Plz Post Your Screenies or else very few of em' will even test your mod!!
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I don't want to look like a total a**, but these forums look like this to me nowadays:
[Image: imadeitonpaint.png]
thanks Lauli

Just a little different... My point is - instead of downloading and checking pics by yourself you're shouting on the guy here. Instead you could put just one finger to do something by yourself, and stop being so lazy-duck-assos.

@empirefantasy below: stop asking unimportant stuff already, it makes me a bit annoyed :p
@Monolith below: no it's not me. And doesn't really matter. Don't rely on unimportant details... ._.
(04-25-2011, 06:28 PM)Simoneon Wrote:  I don't want to look like a total a**, but these forums look like this to me nowadays:
[Image: imadeitonpaint.png]
thanks Lauli

''LFE in real life'' is how i call it.
Basicly instead of flaming the guy just give him so tips.


banana ninja is banana.
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Okay, review time.

1. I couldn't run the game itself. Idk if it's my laptop or a mistake on your side though.
2. No readme. I don't expect a version history, developer notes, etc., but a movelist would be nice.
3. Took a look at the sprites and managed to "extract" a character list:
  • Abaddon - Recolored Louis. No trace of any new sprites.
  • Archer - Normal Hunter. No trace of any new sprites.
  • Arcmage - Normal Firzen. No trace of any new sprites.
  • Assassin - Normal Rudolf. No trace of any new sprites.
  • Bandit - Bandit.
  • Bloodkahn - Some Davis skin from LFE. No trace of any new sprites.
  • Butcher - Bat with chain and a hoe, probably DLed from LFE.
  • Cyclone - Normal Dennis. Includes the tornado move Dennis had in LF2.5
  • Druid - Normal Monk. 1 extra move, probably not made by the poster.
  • Freeze - Freeze.
  • Hunter - Normal Henry. 1 extra move, the hawk from LF2.5.
  • Jan - Jan.
  • Infernal - Normal Firen. No trace of any new sprites.
  • Juno - Some character I haven't seen before, but I would bet our poster didn't make it.
  • Naruto - Yeah, Naruto. From Naruto LF2.
  • Ninja - Recolored Rudolf with Henry's head. I have seen him somewhere before, but don't remember where,
  • Kura - Some character I haven't seen before, but I would bet our poster didn't make it.
  • Knight - Knight.
  • Witch - Normal John. Has that lightning move from LF2.5
  • Yugi - Some character I haven't seen before, but I would bet our poster didn't make it.
  • Juggernaught - Deep with moves from LF2.5 or CE - LF2, idk.
  • Shadow - Normal Julian. No new sprites added.
  • Strike - Normal Woody.
  • Monk - Normal Davis.
  • Tinker - Normal Bat

Up until now, I have nothing good to say about this mod. I will try to make it work so I can test the gameplay, but it sure looks like another mash-up mod. The only noticable input from you is renaming all the characters (names aren't so bad btw.).

Oh, add some screenshots and CREDITS, please.
It's a nice game after all.
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