These are great ideas guys, and you've given me quite a bit to think about there Siegvar, but i actually think thats the fairest way to do it!
But this can cost time and effort. A rare commodity these days ;P
Not saying that i wont try to get that up and running to the full though.
Here is what i propose for the next round:
Apoc has already given me a theme, so we can start asap.
Apoc has volunteered to judge, and i am happy to let him. If there is a general vote on having more than one judge, im totally cool with that, and i suggest you send PM's to me volunteering to judge the
next round of entries only. Im thinking Max 3 judges. (you would be picked on activeness, skills, critique skills)
(I reckon its easier to just have one judge honestly because it means it would be quicker to pick the winner, rather than having debate)
The judge/s must give a rating to every single sprite out of ten, and a reason as to why they gave them that rating. Critique should also be there too.
There will be a poll for the people choice award. This will be single vote only (we only want one winner of this, i think)
Now, this is just the system im thinking of running on.
You have 2 options:
-if you agree, i would be appreciative to know by 'thanks' on this post, rather than posts saying 'i agree kthnxbye'. This should be frowned upon, asking for thanks like this ;P But its to anti-spam.
-If you want to suggest fixes or changes to this 'system' post it here. Putting a thank on this post and then posting otherwise will just confuse me, and ill disregard your opinion. Probably.
@poll, damn, no tie breaker? Looks like DesignHeaven and i have ourselves a tie!
1st: Apocalipsis
![[Image: bLSBW.png]](
2nd: (tie) DesignHeaven
![[Image: super_punch_by_arieltw1-d3fhhzh.png]](
& Alectric
![[Image: aGLLn.gif]](
3rd: Lutichris
![[Image: falcon_punch_fail_by_kaywonnjuto-d3fmxzr.png]](
Sprite Theme #17
Requirements:- Must be a stance or an attacking sprite.
- One entry per member.
- Can be animated, size is up to you, but try to keep lf2 character sized.
- Your sprite must be related to the theme.
- Only has to be one sprite.
- Recoloured sprites wont be accepted. Also, you cant use an old sprite you already made.
Submit your entries before Tuesday May 24th!!
Your theme is Companions!
*Sprite any kind of character with a companion (preferably an animal, but it could be some kind of robot or such) (picked by Apocalipsis)
This round will be judged by Apocalipsis and Snorsorbet, so appeal to their tastes ;D
But there will be a multiple choice
Peoples Choice award!
Good luck to all!
Also, first place winner gets to choose next theme (if they so wish) and the top 3 runners up (and peoples choice winner) get to choose if they want to judge or not.
Sound ok?