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©Jerry Havk LIttleFIghter vol. 1-2-3
awesome stuff by jerry havk

these vid's are quite old from year 2008/2009
i've seen this now, it's a cool fanmade in my opinions

watch vol1



vol.3 is my favourite scence

kind regards Dój
Thanks given by: Hero destroyer
Cool dude! But some members DON'T understand chinese, so take time to translate it. I'm lucky that I understand it.:D
Vol.3 is just like Julian war + Bleach, you know, the last part when rudolf cut louisEX head, plus rudolf is very smart.
This place motivates me to become an artist, this place motivates me to learn coding, this place made me grow up, showed me the ways to interact with people. Unlike the old childish of me myself, I've learned a lot and gotten some experiences. For me, it's not just a fan forum, it's a helpful community. From a noob to someone who would think before he speaks, looking back at my old post made me laugh hard, I'm grateful of the differences between these 2 years.
~Thank You All and Farewell
~Goodbye, LFE.
RIP - 14/04/2014
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these are already on the mainsite btw:
under fanart section.

Also, you dont really need to know chinese to grasp how awesome these animations are.
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