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Increasing the size of character
How to make the size of character (Julian, Justin ... ) is bigger.
Please guide me. Thanks a lot :D
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Welcome to LFE,
You want them to become Giant, make sure you understand the cols and the rows correctly in DC. As empirefantasy mentioned, and you have to change the center and centerx.(Check the mainsite to learn about grids):D
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Thanks given by: o0soipro0o
If you want to make them 20pixel bigger (20 px high and 20px weight),go to bmp file and make it 200px bigger in weight and 140px bigger in height.
Why 200 and 140?
200 because there are 10 rows ,so 20*10=200
140 because there are 7 cols , so 20*7=140

Then,go to dat file and increase w: 79 to w: 99 (because 79+20=99) and h: 79 to h: 99 (because 79+20=99) and you are done.

But you need to work with itrs,bdys and centerx/y in all frames.
For centerx,just increase the number with 10,for centery,increase with 20.
Why so?
Because centerix show x coordinate of shadow,which should be in the center and if you increase img with 20px in weight,you need to increase the centerx with half of it which is 10.
Centery show y coordinate of shadow,so if you increased img with 20px in height,you need to increase centery with the same number,so the char will be looked in the earth (normal).
While for itrs, bdy, opoints and bpoints you need to work on them in each frame.
I can sound like a noob but can you tell where can i find bmp file? :D plz
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There you go
[Image: icyboards-ad-468x60.gif]
Thanks given by: laurynas4959
Seriously,you don't know what's a bmp file?
Right click on the desktop or somewhere
Select new>bitmap image
Name it
Thanks given by: laurynas4959
whit what program should i change size?
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If you have Photoshop,
Right click on the bmp(it should be empty)
When you open it,a dialog box will appear
Give the height and Width,choose transperant,white blablabla
Click on OK or whatever is there.
Thanks given by: laurynas4959
U can do this simply with paint.
first open julians image using paint, press ctrl+A to hilight the full sprite (image).
second, right click on the image and press Stretch/Skew.
Right in the tabs the by how much do U want the image to be enlarged. eg: if U want to make it double right 200 in both.
third, do this in every other picture that show julian.
finally open julians dat file and change all the values in the exept for the injury values.. (eg: if U doubled julians image double the values)
[Image: signature.png]
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Thanks given by: laurynas4959
OMG i can't do this I'm still failing. -_-
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