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Sonic Boom's Sprites!
i suggest focusing on your character first as you will be spriting different poses for him
you don't want to see this (Click to View)
avatar by Una
the other by xFire
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Yeah I was trying to focus on it but, I think I will update the sprites.
@Electric Shock
Does it really look fat?
I think fattiness is in your eyes dude cuz I can't see him fat!
Plz can anyone tell me how to make those power auras in hands?
Plz help me out!
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nice clothes but the hair looks a bit weird, maybe cause there is no hair falling in his face.

I think he looks "fat", like electric said, because there is no space/black pixels between his upper boddy and his arms as well as between his two legs.
apart from that nice sprite, good work on the shading.


sonic it's annoying me that about 1/3 of your posts are like "is there a tut for ...?" or "how to do...?".
This wouldn't be annoying if these questions would be good ones, but the thing which i don't like on these posts is that it seems to me that u ask sth before even searching the forum/web for an answer on your own. Most of the times the things u request already exist!
perfect example above:

this might sound harsh but it would be great if u would search for an answer on your own before asking the whole forum next time imo.
Thanks given by: Monolith , nehalbordoloi , Sonic Boom
Off Topic: Mundvoll_ I have already seen that tut but I was asking for something better or what other members prefer!
But yeah I will try to lower that thing from next time.
On topic: Thanks for the critics! I loved em!
Can you tell me what to do about that fattiness thing?
Just couldn't figure out what's wrong?

And I Love those critics!
Keep them coming!
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(07-08-2011, 06:11 AM)Sonic Boom Wrote:  Can you tell me what to do about that fattiness thing?
Just couldn't figure out what's wrong?

Remove pixels.
more specifically - remove pixels off of his waistline (like how all fat people talk about when losing weight)
and his legs and shoulders.
[Image: Freddycopy.png]->[Image: OROLS.png]
I used paint to do it so it looks weird in comparison cause it's not a paint sprite.
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Thanks and Now I see the difference!
I will fix it soon!
Fixed it !
[Image: sjTUb.png]
I hope it's better
My Best Sprite I think...
[Image: naturalizercopy.png]
hope you all like him!
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@Freddy sprite
It a good sprite.Light in the center and shadow in the side.Also a lot of details,especially in his legs.

@naturaliser sprite
I don't remember well the first Naturaliser,but i remember it was something green.When I see it now,it is completely a new sprite.A lot of details in it and I can see your work.
The bad thing in it: Hair.THe left middle pic of hair is too big and has a wrong shape/position.
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Yeah I don't like those hair too!
I want to fix them but everytime I make sth which is bad looking.
On the whole: Do you like naturalizer?
And Here's the earlier Naturalizer:
[Image: naturalizercopy.png]
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For the "power like ice"
[Image: auratut1.png]
What the **** did yu say about my eyes. Well as a matter of fact, it is easy to argue with mistakes someone else points on your work with some reason that it is not a mistake. The type of shading you gave to Freddy makes him look a bit fat.
[Image: icyboards-ad-468x60.gif]
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Yeah Thanks For the Tut!
Electric plz rate my new naturalizer!
Here's Improved Naturalizer!
[Image: naturalizerhokagecopy1.png]
I made him look a bit mysterious!
Hope you all like him!
Here's my new best sprite ever!
[Image: Brucecopy.png]
He's a assassin!
Hope you all like him!
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