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Profile Problem
@YinYin shut up retard
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uhm dude, YinYin actually tries to help you. Probably one of the last ones attempting that.
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
i don't care yall can ban me for all i care
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yeah i dont know how much reason they have to do that because i havent been following this

but im more worried about our staff when they do these things than about you
because it seems that you have lost your hope
too bad
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Sirfrog™ Wrote:@yinyin shut up retard

Sirfrog™, you're acting like an annoying twit. Be nicer to the people who want to help you.

But it IS clear that there's somebody here messing with your profile, like YinYin pointed out. And everybody needs to realize that.
Henry David Thoreau Wrote:
Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine.
Thanks given by: Electric2Shock , nehalbordoloi
Now, until reaching page 3 i was going to agree with YinYin... but post #21 made me change my mind again XD

That guy is officially perma-IP-banned either way. I don't think there is any rule against moderators being nice and only messing with people instead of (as they would be supposed to) baning them again.

/serious face off

Imho, some people just deserve to get messed with. I would as well love to get this thread stickied into the disposal section or something :P Most epic semi-random failconvo ever.
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Thanks given by: Electric2Shock
alblaka, mods are supposed to keep the forum tidy - not induce more havoc by humilating user profiles, which is violating forum rules

also this user did not yet have a permaban - so he should have been granted a second chance

instead they recognized his ip and edited his profile so that every user on here would recognize the hated spammer - and then started to write stupid things into his user title and signature
on top of that all denying that they are doing this - while a normal member pretends to be the one doing it

this is both immature and unfair

sounds like moderators doing their job?
Thanks given by: Divisor , Electric2Shock
wow... this whirlwind of a topic got interesting / weird pretty quickly. Better clear things up like I normally do...

For those not familiar with the situation in the forum, Sirfrog™ is blackops/blackwings reincarnated, who have been causing a bit of a commotion back in January. Looking back at BlackOps' Warning Log - Reaper, Simoneon, SirFrog, BP and even me - have issued warnings. So he must have been something, and Phil banned him permanently.

Half a year gone and we have him/them back under a new username. Now I'm not sure whether it has been changed or not, or it was registered as such. However, the moderation log indicates that there has been a massive amount of editing since the 7th of July. I won't bother naming anyone, because it's the moderation team's collective duty to make sure everyone is behaving, including themselves and I do think this joke has gone a bit too far.

On behalf of the staff team, I would like to offer my profuse and sincere apologies for treating this issue like a lollipop.

Now, a few more things to clarify / note.
1) Empirefantasy has not been involved
2) Sirfrog™ has been banned because Well, I personally would ban him for other reasons as well for some of his behaviour in this thread, though in retrospect, it's hard to tell whether his words / actions is a result of the initial mess.
3) Users, including mods can stop spamming / playing around with negative and positive reputations just for the heck of it
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(07-09-2011, 01:32 AM)Marshall Wrote:  and Phil banned him permanently.

i have to question that part
first of all phil told me that he never banned him
second he has been recognized by his static ip
and how can he join again with an ip that our mods recognize to be his from his last visit if its already been banned before?

these things dont fit unless ive been lied to aswell

if the permanent ban was only issued to the three previous accounts and not his ip then you did allow him to restart with a new account just to mess him up right from the start

can you disable profile editing abilities for the staff?
that would fix these issues without the need to closely watch the behaviour of every team member
- yes i do not think that its required to edit the profile of every bot that comes along; especially when you can take this over to users without realizing what you are doing

and mods randomly changing other user titles by request because they like each other or think its a good idea is rather corrupt too - you should notice every time a newbie pops up and posts a thread asking how to change his title because he has seen other users with a custom one
it would be much easier to answer that only certain user groups are capable of changing their own title instead of saying,: well mod xy changed mine but dont ask him he wont do it for you
Thanks given by: Electric2Shock
I sometimes feel like an eyesore to you guys. At least it gives me the feeling of this.

Just to clarify things again for this many times, I have never banned anyone regarding blackops/wings/etc.
You have access to the banning-log so you should know that. I hate to see it so many times. People already have the wrong impression on me, according to many I do nothing then banning and giving heaps of warnings. I am a bad cruel mod, trying only to hurt them in their daily life. Well why thank you!

Stuff like "Phil banned him" coming from an "official" representative of the forum team, even though you should know that it is not true by checking the logs, is making things just worse.

The reason why I am putting this public here and get offtopic is because talking to you in the vip-section is meaningless. As if you would listen to me. Take the stuff like with the internal rules for example, they would have been useful for resolving this. If we would have clarified when a mod has done too much or rather has gone abroad, which results than in a demod-action, we would know what to do.

Right now it is like, bp or MH decide when someone has gone too far and does not deserve the modship anymore. This would work normally but obviously in our case it doesn't. People should adapt their behavior to their new role, but apparently we don't do that. Bp and MH chose us knowing that they can entrust us with the forum, yet we don't adapt and behave like normal members just with power.

Oh and how often has a mod been demoded from BP or MH because he has done wrong? Yep you don't even need one finger to count that. There have only been issues when mods were inactive, but can you say it is because those mods have done wrong? I wouldn't say so. They should have told our admins that they are gone for a while or so, but that's not wrong as a mod, it's wrong as their persona themselves. We could invent a internal warning level system on our own. Mods should watch over others and control the flow of the forum, to ensure safety of our people. So "who watches the watchmen?" obviously everyone would say the "admins zomfg why are you asking so stupidly".. I disagree on that. They made us mods so that we help them with their work, not that we put more work on their shoulders. So we have to watch ourselves, but I doubt we can do that without the right ruleset.

(07-09-2011, 01:32 AM)Marshall Wrote:  1) Empirefantasy has not been involved
come on, if you are being honest then do it all the way through.

Bp on msn Wrote:hmmmm
ef did a good job
I pretty much told him what to do
and he played along

BP again on msn Wrote:a) I am having fun with him
b) ef is having fun with him
c) blowfly is having fun with him
d) marshall is having fun with him
e) I want him to leave lfe by his own will
quit being a moral apostle, if you are involved yourself. I don't know if bp's infos are correct, but you have to sort that out with him then, not with me.

so I made my point, I may have overdone it, but it's the only way I see how I can do it right now.

[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D

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